Vol. 46 No. 24 · 26 December 2024

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 46 No. 24 · 26 December 2024


Jim Pennington, Colin Cohen, J.P. Loo, Mark Liebenrood, Andrew McNamara / Ann Stephen, Rob Wills, Harry D. Watson, David Shorney, David Carpenter, Gareth Evans, James Fanning, John Hanahoe

Sophie Smith

Sleeping Women

Neal Ascherson

France on Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain by Julian Jackson. Allen Lane, 444 pp., £12.99, June, 978 0 14 199309 6

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Conclave’

Michael Kulikowski

A Noble Ruin: Mark Antony, Civil War and the Collapse of the Roman Republic by W. Jeffrey Tatum. Oxford, 482 pp., £26.99, March, 978 0 19 769490 9

Lavinia Greenlaw

Poem: ‘Outside the Work’

Eliot Weinberger


Zain Samir

‘Death is not a stranger in our house’

Tom Stevenson

Assad’s Fall

Julian Bell

Wild Thing: A Life of Paul Gauguin by Sue Prideaux. Faber, 399 pp., £30, September, 978 0 571 36593 7
Gauguin and Polynesia by Nicholas Thomas. Apollo, 453 pp., £40, February, 978 1 80110 523 1

Alice Hunt

The Scapegoat: The Brilliant Brief Life of the Duke of Buckingham by Lucy Hughes-Hallett. Fourth Estate, 630 pp., £30, October, 978 0 00 812655 1

Clare Bucknell

Rochester and the Pursuit of Pleasure by Larry D. Carver. Manchester, 260 pp., £85, June, 978 1 5261 7367 6

Esther Chadwick

At the British Museum: ‘what have we here?’

Alexander Bevilacqua

Iconophages: A History of Ingesting Images by Jérémie Koering, translated by Nicholas Huckle. Princeton, 480 pp., £30, October, 978 1 890951 27 6

Rosemary Hill

Stone Circles: A Field Guide by Colin Richards and Vicki Cummings. Yale, 494 pp., £30, September, 978 0 300 23598 2

Edmund Gordon

After the Flying Saucers Came: A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon by Greg Eghigian. Oxford, 388 pp., £22.99, September, 978 0 19 086987 8

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Trusting the Trustees

Emily Witt

Small Rain by Garth Greenwell. Picador, 306 pp., £18.99, September, 978 1 5098 7469 9

Andrew O’Hagan

Christopher Isherwood: Inside Out by Katherine Bucknell. Chatto, 852 pp., £35, June, 978 0 7011 8638 8

Karen Solie

Poem: ‘Orion’

Jo Applin

At Camden Arts Centre: On Nicola L.

Ruby Hamilton

Businessmen as Lovers by Rosemary Tonks. Vintage, 146 pp., £9.99, May, 978 1 78487 932 7
The Way out of Berkeley Square by Rosemary Tonks. Vintage, 198 pp., £9.99, May, 978 1 78487 931 0
The Halt during the Chase by Rosemary Tonks. Vintage, 228 pp., £9.99, May, 978 1 78487 930 3

Chal Ravens

The Book of Abba: Melancholy Undercover by Jan Gradvall, translated by Sarah Clyne Sundberg. Faber, 324 pp., £20, October, 978 0 571 39098 4
Bright Lights Dark Shadows: The Definitive Biography of Abba by Carl Magnus Palm. Omnibus, 697 pp., £14.99, October, 978 1 915841 47 6

Peter Campbell

Diary: In the Print Shop

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