Vol. 46 No. 18 · 26 September 2024

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Dror Cohen

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Vol. 46 No. 18 · 26 September 2024

T.J. Clark

The Rebel’s Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon by Adam Shatz. Apollo, 464 pp., £25, January, 978 1 0359 0004 6


Adrian Shaw, Alex Bailin, Marie-Adele Murray, Sacha Levey, George De Stefano, C. Allen Jenkins, Jan Zwicky, Peter Lilley, Rachel Withers, Ian Webster, Nicholas Penny, Ben Webb

Eliot Weinberger

The Debate

Mark Ford

Selected Letters of Wilfred Owen edited by Jane Potter. Oxford, 436 pp., £25, August 2023, 978 0 19 968950 7

Tom Stevenson

Short Cuts: All Talk, No Ceasefire

Robert Cioffi

Euripides Unbound

Barbara Newman

Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Gender and Race in the Middle Ages by Roland Betancourt. Princeton, 274 pp., £28, March 2023, 978 0 691 24354 2

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Only the River Flows’

Clare Jackson

From Tudor to Stuart: The Regime Change from Elizabeth I to James I by Susan Doran. Oxford, 656 pp., £30, June, 978 0 19 875464 0

David Bromwich

Kubrick: An Odyssey by Robert P. Kolker and Nathan Abrams. Faber, 649 pp., £25, January, 978 0 571 37036 8

Thomas A. Clark

Poem: ‘The Restoration’

Oliver Cussen

The Invention of Scarcity: Malthus and the Margins of History by Deborah Valenze. Yale, 254 pp., £45, July 2023, 978 0 300 24613 1

Rosemary Hill

At the Musée des Arts Décoratifs: Death of the Department Store

Michael Ledger-Lomas

Glad to the Brink of Fear: A Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson by James Marcus. Princeton, 328 pp., £25, April, 978 0 691 25433 3

Ange Mlinko

On Camille Ralphs

Thomas Jones

The House on Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone, translated by Oonagh Stransky. Europa, 451 pp., £10.99, March, 978 1 78770 546 3

Irina Dumitrescu

On Reichenau Island

Kevin Brazil

My Search for Warren Harding by Robert Plunket. New Directions, 286 pp., $18.95, June 2023, 978 0 8112 3469 6
Love Junkie by Robert Plunket. New Directions, 262 pp., $16.95, May, 978 0 8112 3847 2

Linda Kinstler

Diary: At the 6 January trials

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