isolated stands
of woodland
are connected

larch and juniper
wild service tree
small leaved lime

separate moments
of alertness become
more plentiful

rivers run
freely through
alder and willow


aspen leaves on moss
light sprinkled over moss
stripped spruce cones
a water vole runs
out over lily pads
lichens hang from light


riparian trees repair
degraded river banks
slow the water flow
cool and filter water
hazel aspen alder
provide leaf litter
build shelter where
salmon and brown trout
pause and spawn


the dancers exceed the measure
they dance away from the figure
from a round a jig a gavotte
teach gravity without weight


willow and sallow
rowan and alder
wild cherry
oboe and clarinet


trees love to hide
from form and inference
in shade and nuance

with leaves and bark
with rings of years
they cover themselves

pull the pendulant
undulant canopy
down around you

trees love to hide
then leap out
and catch you


nothing happens in a wood
not the flutter of a wing
not the flicker of a thought
without a redistribution


in a dappled light
in the clarified air
under birch under pine
reticence as care
shades wintergreen


if you sit for a while
in the company of an oak
you might begin to reverse
the massive reduction
of the tree to its name

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