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Vol. 44 No. 21 · 3 November 2022

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 44 No. 21 · 3 November 2022


Kevin Mayes, Frankie Green, Gary Craig, David Ross, Paul Franczak, Richard Hewlings, David Lupher, Johan Enegren, Nick Wray, Benjamin Sims

Christopher Clark

Writers and Revolution: Intellectuals and the French Revolution of 1848 by Jonathan Beecher. Cambridge, 474 pp., £29.99, April 2021, 978 1 108 84253 2

James Meek

Short Cuts: Droning Things

Jenny Turner

Selected Writings on Marxism by Stuart Hall, edited by Gregor McLennan. Duke, 380 pp., £25.99, April 2021, 978 1 4780 0034 1
Selected Writings on Race and Difference by Stuart Hall, edited by Paul Gilroy and Ruth Wilson Gilmore. Duke, 472 pp., £27.99, April 2021, 978 1 4780 1166 8

Chloe Aridjis

At the Swedenborg: Magic Lanterns

Owen Hatherley

Second City: Birmingham and the Forging of Modern Britain by Richard Vinen. Allen Lane, 545 pp., £25, September 2022, 978 0 241 45453 4

Fiona Benson

Poem: ‘Oracle [Oleander]’

Jan-Werner Müller

United Europe?

Thomas Powers

Let Me Tell You What I Mean: A New Collection of Essays by Joan Didion. Fourth Estate, 149 pp., £8.99, January 2022, 978 0 00 845178 3

Tom Shippey

Queens of the Wild: Pagan Goddesses in Christian Europe, an Investigation by Ronald Hutton. Yale, 245 pp., £18.99, May, 978 0 300 26101 1

Katherine Rundell

Consider the Hummingbird

Chloe Nahum-Claudel

Of Humans, Pigs and Souls: An Essay on the Yagwoia ‘Womba’ Complex by Jadran Mimica. Hau, 160 pp., £16, February 2021, 978 1 912808 31 1
Fire on the Island: Fear, Hope and a Christian Revival in Vanuatu by Tom Bratrud. Berghahn, 213 pp., £89, April, 978 1 80073 464 7

Catriona Seth

Maria Theresa: The Habsburg Empress in Her Time by Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, translated by Robert Savage. Princeton, 1045 pp., £35, March, 978 0 691 17906 3

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Decision to Leave’

Bridget Alsdorf

Florine Stettheimer: A Biography by Barbara Bloemink. Hirmer, 435 pp., £25, January, 978 3 7774 3834 4

Ange Mlinko

Meditations in an Emergency by Frank O’Hara. Grove, 52 pp., £12.99, March, 978 1 61185 656 9

Tony Wood

On Chile

Leo Robson

Percival Everett by Virgil Russell by Percival Everett. Influx, 271 pp., £9.99, September 2021, 978 1 910312 99 5
Erasure by Percival Everett. Faber, 294 pp., £8.99, August 2021, 978 0 571 37089 4
The Trees by Percival Everett. Influx, 334 pp., £9.99, March 2022, 978 1 914391 17 0

Paul Taylor

Academic Benefits

Azadeh Moaveni

Diary: Two Weeks in Tehran

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