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Vol. 44 No. 20 · 20 October 2022

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 44 No. 20 · 20 October 2022

William Davies

Madman Economics


Nick Moss, Clemence Bettany, Cary Bazalgette, Robin Waterfield, Paul Haslam, Joshua Zimmerman, Stephen James, Mark Mildred

Francis Gooding

Dilla Time: The Life and Afterlife of J Dilla, the Hip-Hop Producer Who Reinvented Rhythm by Dan Charnas. Swift, 458 pp., £20, April, 978 1 80075 174 3

Amy Jeffs

From Lived Experience to the Written Word by Pamela H. Smith. Chicago, 346 pp., £28, July, 978 0 226 81824 5

Rae Armantrout

Three Poems

James Vincent

Proxies: The Cultural Work of Standing In by Dylan Mulvin. MIT, 274 pp., £40, August 2021, 978 0 262 04514 8

Rosa Lyster

Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber: The Extraordinary Life of Rose Dugdale by Sean O’Driscoll. Sandycove, 368 pp., £18.99, June 2022, 978 1 84488 555 8
The Woman Who Stole Vermeer: The True Story of Rose Dugdale and the Russborough House Art Heist by Anthony M. Amore. Pegasus, 272 pp., £12.99, February 2022, 978 1 64313 529 8

John Kerrigan

Belfast directed by Kenneth Branagh.January
Small World: Ireland 1798-2018 by Seamus Deane. Cambridge, 343 pp., £20, June 2021, 978 1 108 84086 6
Irish Literature in Transition edited by Claire Connolly and Marjorie Howes. Cambridge, six vols, £564, March 2020, 978 1 108 42750 0
Ireland, Literature and the Coast: Seatangled by Nicholas Allen. Oxford, 305 pp., £70, November 2020, 978 0 19 885787 7
A History of Irish Literature and the Environment edited by Malcolm Sen. Cambridge, 457 pp., £90, July, 978 1 108 49013 9

John Lanchester

Short Cuts: Inside the Thatcher Larp

Eric Foner

C. Vann Woodward: America’s Historian by James Cobb. North Carolina Press, 504 pp., £39.50, October, 978 1 4696 7021 8

Rachel Nolan

Sixty Years On

Thomas Jones

Meloni’s Moment

Charles Glass

Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy by Martin Indyk. Knopf, 677 pp., £28, October 2021, 978 1 101 94754 8

Susan Pedersen

Battles of Conscience: British Pacifists and the Second World War by Tobias Kelly. Chatto, 367 pp., £22, May 2022, 978 1 78474 394 9
Practical Utopia: The Many Lives of Dartington Hall by Anna Neima. Cambridge, 313 pp., £75, April 2022, 978 1 316 51797 0

Rosemary Hill

At the Musée de Cluny

Adam Mars-Jones

Trust by Hernan Diaz. Riverhead, 405 pp., £16.99, August, 978 1 5290 7449 9

Maureen N. McLane

Poem: ‘Equinox’

Josie Mitchell

Self-Portrait in Green by Marie NDiaye, translated by Jordan Stump. Influx, 87 pp., £7.99, February 2021, 978 1 910312 89 6

Chris Lintott

Space Snooker

Long Ling

Diary: Xi Jinping Studies

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