Vol. 13 No. 3 · 7 February 1991

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Vol. 13 No. 3 · 7 February 1991

Keith Kyle

Saddam’s War: The Origins of the Kuwait Conflict and the International Response by John Bulloch and Harvey Morris
Unholy Babylon: The Secret History of Saddam’s War by Adel Darwish and Gregory Alexander
Cambridge International Document Series: Vol. 1 The Kuwait Crisis edited by E. Lauterpacht, C.J. Greenwood, Mark Weller and Daniel Bethlehem
Air Power and Colonial Control by David Omissi


Lawrence Beyer, Kenneth Muir, Perry Anderson, D.L. Macdonald, Anthony Pratt, Jennifer Dawson, Colin McGinn, B.J. Grayfriesen, Christopher Burns

Paul Foot

‘Bye Bye Baghdad’

Jeremy Harding

How the war in the Gulf affects the famine in Africa

Seamus Heaney

Poem: ‘A Retrospect’

Alexander Cockburn

An American Life by Ronald Reagan

Oleg Gordievsky

Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy by Dmitri Volkogonov, edited and translated by Harold Shukman
Stalin: The Glasnost Revelations by Walter Laqueur
The Prosecutor and the Prey: Vyshinsky and the 1930s Moscow Show Trials by Arkady Vaksberg, translated by Jan Butler

William Rodgers

What happened to the SDP, and what could still happen

Bernard Williams

Realism with a Human Face by Hilary Putnam

Jon Stallworthy

Poem: ‘The Voice from the Bridge’

Elaine Showalter

Jean Stafford: The Savage Heart by Charlotte Margolis Goodman
Jean Stafford: A Biography by David Roberts

Michael Wood

Talking at the Gates: A Life of James Baldwin by James Campbell
James Baldwin: Artist on Fire by W.J. Weatherby

Gabriele Annan

Reminiscences and Reflections by Golo Mann, translated by Krishna Winston

Ronald Fraser

Gorbals Voices, Siren Songs by Ralph Glasser
A Place for Us by Nicholas Gage
The Hidden Damage by James Stern

Frank Kermode

Spanner and Pen: Post-War Memoirs by Roy Fuller

Julian Symons

Stanley Spencer by Kenneth Pople

Matt Simpson

Poem: ‘On My Mother’s Side’

Christopher Hitchens

Diary: In Washington

Carol Shields

Friend of My Youth by Alice Munro

Luke Jennings

Them: Voices from the Immigrant Community in Contemporary Britain by Jonathon Green
The Golden Thread: Asian Experiences of Post-Raj Britain by Zerbanoo Gifford

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