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Vol. 13 No. 2 · 24 January 1991

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G. Abbas

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Vol. 13 No. 2 · 24 January 1991

Avi Shlaim

Israel and the Gulf


Noël Annan, Keith Flett, Stephen Frears, Frank Kermode, Hilary Gaskin, Jonathan Bate, Peter Campbell, Kenneth Rose

Robert Service

The Russian Revolution 1899-1919 by Richard Pipes

Harold Perkin

The Second Socialist Revolution: An Alternative Soviet Strategy by Tatyana Zaslavskaya, translated by Susan Davies

Stephen Greenblatt

Where little Fyodor played

John Bayley

Selected Poems by Anna Akhmatova, selected and translated by Stanley Kunitz and Max Hayward
The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova translated by Judith Hemschemeyer, edited by Roberta Reeder
The Garden: New and Selected Poetry and Prose by Bella Akhmadulina

William Empson

Magnificent Cuckolds

Martin Hollis

The Cement of Society: A Study of Social Order by Jon Elster
Solomonic Judgments: Studies in the Limitations of Rationality by Jon Elster
Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences by Jon Elster

Colin McGinn

Animal Liberation by Peter Singer

Ian Pople

Poem: ‘For Jon, Pam, Tom and Katie up in the air’

Michael Wood

The General in his Labyrinth by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, translated by Edith Grossman

Mark Ford

Hunting Mister Heartbreak by Jonathan Raban

Rosalind Mitchison

Naomi Mitchison: A Biography by Jill Benton

Julie Davidson

Rape: My Story by Jill Saward and Wendy Green

Frank Kermode

A Tenured Professor by John Kenneth Galbraith
Shade those laurels by Cyril Connolly and Peter Levi

Alan Bennett

Diary: What I did in 1990

Paul Delany

D.H. Lawrence: A Biography by Jeffrey Meyers
D.H. Lawrence by Tony Pinkney
England, My England, and Other Stories by D.H. Lawrence, edited by Bruce Steele
The ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ Trial (Regina v. Penguin Books Limited) edited by H. Montgomery Hyde
Boy by James Hanley
D.H. Lawrence: A Literary Life by John Worthen

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