Rae Armantrout

Rae Armantrout’s collection Versed won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. She taught for more than twenty years at the University of California, San Diego.

Two Poems

Rae Armantrout, 8 October 2020


Nothing to see here.

Pine cones litterthe gutters.

Whose turn is itto blow on the mirror,mama?


Each pushes forwardin her wild eagernessto take partin a ritual.

‘Is this that thingabout fireflies?’



We use similes to showthings are connected –

and they are,just not in the ways we say.


A hole in fresh dirtsurrounded by orange conesinto whicha crow peers,hops...

Two Poems

Rae Armantrout, 6 February 2020


Were you surprised to learnthat you could swapan ‘i’ for an eye,and ‘a’ for an apple?

That’s the lure.

Later, you maywant to pray.


You may be leftto think your wayfrom moment to moment

without being toldwhat a moment is,

if it’s something solid.


The mad hear languagespeak itselfand are humble before it.

They receive instruction.


The child in her...

Two Poems

Rae Armantrout, 4 July 2019

Value Added

The way orchid splits the difference

with hot pink, say,

in the hanging plastic crystal –

how an increased level of saturation

can come across as reticence

or even as retraction.

There, where it changes tack –

the as in the ‘come across as’ –

put your tongue on that.

‘A Child Is Being Beaten’

Sign in car window:

It’s not about us,...

Poem: ‘Understandings’

Rae Armantrout, 22 November 2018

To convey great effort and mild reluctance, one groans briefly when sitting up in bed.

This is sometimes known as prayer.


Ignore the wind chimes. They’re a bad example.


To stand beneath or walk behind –

to comprehend!...

Two Poems

Rae Armantrout, 19 July 2018

Pretty Little

I’m not lonely because I have secrets;

I’m lonely because words can’t bring the past into the present

(which amounts to the same thing).


Jack Rabbit and the Lonely Present

is the title of a book I almost wrote


I’m lonely because you’re...

Where Things Get Fuzzy: Rae Armantrout

Stephanie Burt, 30 March 2017

By​ 1979, when Rae Armantrout published her second book, The Invention of Hunger, with Lyn Hejinian’s Tuumba Press, she was already what much of the literary world would soon learn to...

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