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Nothing to see here.

Pine cones litter
the gutters.

Whose turn is it
to blow on the mirror,


Each pushes forward
in her wild eagerness
to take part
in a ritual.

‘Is this that thing
about fireflies?’



We use similes to show
things are connected –

and they are,
just not in the ways we say.


A hole in fresh dirt
surrounded by orange cones
into which
a crow peers,
hops sideways,
then peers again.


‘These wildlife finalists
will take your breath away.’

Startle Reflex


Ford’s robodogs
roam the factory floor
and enjoy a good


People are startled to discover
that their inner monologues
are ghost-written.


A sentence that once made sense
and now does not
appears haunted.


Experts are surprised to learn
sparrows across North America
have changed their tune.


‘Let’s just make it to the end.’


Everyone’s riveted
by the shock

of the disaster victims,

the way they search
for words.

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London Review of Books,
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London, WC1A 2HN


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