Rae Armantrout

Rae Armantrout’s collection Versed won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. She taught for more than twenty years at the University of California, San Diego.

Two Poems

Rae Armantrout, 8 August 2013


1. On ‘Buried Alive’, possessions can’t be lost

or found. They can’t be exchanged.

They’re negotiated

as one negotiates a landfill.

2. In the militarised evening, Boeing

touts its service to ‘our troops’. We’re shown

soldiers pinned down. One is strapped

to a pallet – ready for take-off?

3. In the currency market, I’m the...

Where Things Get Fuzzy: Rae Armantrout

Stephanie Burt, 30 March 2017

By​ 1979, when Rae Armantrout published her second book, The Invention of Hunger, with Lyn Hejinian’s Tuumba Press, she was already what much of the literary world would soon learn to...

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