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Vol. 42 No. 24 · 17 December 2020

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 42 No. 24 · 17 December 2020

John Lanchester

Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art by Rebecca Wragg Sykes. Bloomsbury, 400 pp., £20, August 2020, 978 1 4729 3749 0


William Beaver, Isabelle Stuart, David Berry, Bob Billington, Henry Spencer, Neville Grant, Barry Schwabsky, Ian Birchall, Charlotte Hanson, John Chalcraft

Julian Bell

A History of Art History by Christopher Wood. Princeton, 472 pp., £30, September 2019, 978 0 691 15652 1

Perry Anderson

The European Coup

Rupert Beale

Get the jab!

Diane Williams

Story: ‘Tassel Rue’

Neal Ascherson

November 1918: The German Revolution by Robert Gerwarth. Oxford, 368 pp., £20, June 2020, 978 0 19 954647 3

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Diego! Diego!

Eric Foner

Abe: Abraham Lincoln in His Times by David S. Reynolds. Penguin, 1066 pp., £33.69, September, 978 1 59420 604 7
The Zealot and the Emancipator: John Brown, Abraham Lincoln and the Struggle for American Freedom by H.W. Brands. Doubleday, 445 pp., £24, October, 978 0 385 54400 9

John Burnside

Poem: ‘The Night Ferry’

Rosemary Hill

Friends and Enemies: A Memoir by Barbara Amiel. Constable, 592 pp., £25, October 2020, 978 1 4721 3421 9
Diary of an MP’s Wife: Inside and Outside Power by Sasha Swire. Little, Brown, 544 pp., £20, September 2020, 978 1 4087 1341 9

Alison Light

The Haunting of Alma Fielding: A True Ghost Story by Kate Summerscale. Bloomsbury, 345 pp., £18.99, October, 978 1 4088 9545 0

David Trotter

The Artful Dickens: Tricks and Ploys of the Great Novelist by John Mullan. Bloomsbury, 428 pp., £16.99, October 2020, 978 1 4088 6681 8

Julia Bryan-Wilson

At BAMPFA: Rosie Lee Tompkins

Lili Owen Rowlands

Vernon Subutex Three by Virginie Despentes, translated by Frank Wynne. MacLehose, 306 pp., £14.99, June, 978 0 85705 982 6

Jonathan Raban

War is noise

Michael Wood

At the Movies: Marlene Dietrich

Celia Paul

Diary: Painting in the Dark

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