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Vol. 42 No. 20 · 22 October 2020

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 42 No. 20 · 22 October 2020

Wang Xiuying

China after Covid


Margo Miller, Rosalind Delmar, Tom King, Richard Davenport-Hines, Paul Mountain, Henry Day, Rosalind Eyben, Victoria Horne

Paul Keegan

Emily of Fire & Violence

Michael Nott

Thom Gunn in New York

Anne Enright

Jack by Marilynne Robinson. Virago, 309 pp., £18.99, September 2020, 978 0 349 01181 3

Steve Ely

Poem: ‘John’s & Sam’s’

James Meek

Red Pill, Blue Pill

Andrew O’Hagan

Short Cuts: Black Forest Thinking

Hal Foster

Last Loosening: A Handbook for the Con Artist and Those Aspiring to Become One by Walter Serner, translated by Mark Kanak. Twisted Spoon Press, 189 pp., £15, July, 978 80 86264 45 5
At the Blue Monkey: 33 Outlandish Stories by Walter Serner, translated by Erik Butler. Wakefield, 192 pp., £13.99, December 2019, 978 1 939663 46 7

Susannah Clapp

Square Haunting by Francesca Wade. Faber, 422 pp., £20, January, 978 0 571 33065 2

John Kerrigan

Slavery and Revenge

Christina Riggs

A World beneath the Sands: Adventurers and Archaeologists in the Golden Age of Egyptology by Toby Wilkinson. Picador, 510 pp., £25, October, 978 1 5098 5870 5

Janique Vigier

At the Shrink

John Lahr

Casting Shadows: Fish and Fishing in Britain by Tom Fort. William Collins, 368 pp., £20, April, 978 0 00 828344 5

Nicole Flattery

Rainbow Milk by Mendez. Dialogue, 353 pp., £14.99, April 2020, 978 0 349 70059 5

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Enola Holmes’

Tom Stevenson

Proxy Wars: Suppressing Violence through Local Agents by Eli Berman and David A. Lake. Cornell, 354 pp., £23.99, March 2019, 978 1 5017 3306 2
Proxy War: The Least Bad Option by Tyrone L. Groh. Stanford, 264 pp., £56, March 2019, 978 1 5036 0818 4
Surrogate Warfare: The Transformation of War in the 21st Century by Andreas Krieg and Jean-Marc Rickli. Georgetown, 258 pp., £21.99, June 2019, 978 1 62616 678 3

Fleur Macdonald

Diary: In Conakry

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