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Vol. 42 No. 13 · 2 July 2020

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Cover Artist

Naomi Frears

Ferdinand Mount

Superman Falls to Earth


David Elstein, Susan Neiman, Jana Cattien, Stuart Williams, Stephen Sedley, Paul Cullen, Allan Stewart-Oaten, Anthony Battersby, Peter Smith, Alan Levitan, Colin Michie, Bridget Fowler, Ferdinand Mount, Patrick O’Connor

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: In the Bunker

James Romm

Thebes: The Forgotten City of Ancient Greece by Paul Cartledge. Picador, 320 pp., £12.99, May, 978 1 5098 7317 3

James Meek

The Health Transformation Army

Alice Spawls

At the Type Archive

Alison Light

Charles Booth’s London Poverty Maps edited by Mary S. Morgan. Thames and Hudson, 288 pp., £49.95, October 2019, 978 0 500 02229 0

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Da 5 Bloods’

Neal Ascherson

Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers and Spies Banded Together in World War Two Europe by Kathy Peiss. Oxford, 296 pp., £22.99, March, 978 0 19 094461 2

Adam Mars-Jones

Weather by Jenny Offill. Granta, 207 pp., £12.99, February, 978 1 78378 476 9

Michael Dobson

Shakespeare’s Englishes: Against Englishness by Margaret Tudeau-Clayton. Cambridge, 245 pp., £75, October 2019, 978 1 108 49373 4

Maureen N. McLane

Poem: ‘Now Is the Cool of the Day’

David Trotter

Play Time: Jacques Tati and Comedic Modernism by Malcolm Turvey. Columbia, 304 pp., £25, December 2019, 978 0 231 19303 0
The Definitive Jacques Tati edited by Alison Castle. Taschen, 1136 pp., £185, June, 978 3 8365 7711 3

Katherine Rundell

Consider the Hare

Amia Srinivasan

What’s Your Pronoun? Beyond He and She by Dennis Baron. Liveright, 304 pp., £16.99, February 2020, 978 1 63149 604 2

Fiona Benson

Poem: ‘Field Crickets (Gryllus campestris)’

Rahmane Idrissa

Diary: In Mali

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