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Vol. 40 No. 5 · 8 March 2018

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Cover Artist

Anne Rothenstein

William Davies

What are they after?


Tim Cundy, Raymond Clayton, Ahmed Dailami, David Campbell, Rory Allen, Chris Purnell, Catharine A. MacKinnon, Jim Holt, Rhoda Koenig

Anne Enright

The Genesis of Blame

Lidija Haas

A Grace Paley Reader: Stories, Essays and Poetry edited by Kevin Bowen and Nora Paley. Farrar, Straus, 371 pp., $27, October 2017, 978 0 374 16582 6

Jeremy Harding

Life? Or Theatre? by Charlotte Salomon. Duckworth, 840 pp., £125, September 2017, 978 1 715 65247 0
Charlotte by David Foenkinos, translated by Sam Taylor. Canongate, 224 pp., £8.99, January 2018, 978 1 78211 796 4
Charlotte Salomon and the Theatre of Memory by Griselda Pollock. Yale, 542 pp., £45, March 2018, 978 0 300 10072 3
Charlotte Salomon: ‘Life? Or Theatre?’ A Selection of 450 Gouaches by Judith Belinfante and Evelyn Benesch. Taschen, 599 pp., £30, November 2017, 978 3 8365 7077 0

Chris Mullin

Short Cuts: Corbyn the ‘Collaborator’

Tobias Gregory

Montaigne: A Life by Philippe Desan, translated by Steven Rendall and Lisa Neal. Princeton, 796 pp., £32.95, January 2017, 978 0 691 16787 9

Thomas Jones

Into the Woods

Jamie Fisher

The Chinese Typewriter: A History by Thomas S. Mullaney. MIT, 504 pp., £27.95, September 2017, 978 0 262 03636 8

Galen Strawson

Poem: ‘After Flaubert’

Steven Shapin

The Rhinoceros and the Megatherium: An Essay in Natural History by Juan Pimentel, translated by Peter Mason. Harvard, 356 pp., £21.95, January 2017, 978 0 674 73712 9

Neal Ascherson

The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel, translated by Geoffrey Dunlop, revised by James Reidel. Penguin, 912 pp., £10.99, January 2018, 978 0 241 33286 3

Marina Warner

At Tate Liverpool: Surrealism in Egypt

Christian Lorentzen

Autumn by Ali Smith. Penguin, 272 pp., £8.99, August 2017, 978 0 241 97331 8
Winter by Ali Smith. Hamish Hamilton, 336 pp., £16.99, November 2017, 978 0 241 20702 4

Lavinia Greenlaw

Four Poems

Adam Mars-Jones

Essayism by Brian Dillon. Fitzcarraldo, 138 pp., £10.99, June 2017, 978 1 910695 41 8
Sound: Stories of Hearing Lost and Found by Bella Bathurst. Wellcome, 224 pp., £8.99, February 2018, 978 1 78125 776 0
Proxies: A Memoir in Twenty-Four Attempts by Brian Blanchfield. Picador, 181 pp., £9.99, August 2017, 978 1 5098 4785 3

Susan McKay

Diary: Breakdown in Power-Sharing

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