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Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013

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Beth Holgate

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Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013

Adam Shatz

The Life and Death of Juliano Mer-Khamis


Penny Cartwright, William MacFarlane, Clive Rainbow, Peter Dreyer, Vaughan Grylls, Anne Summers, James Thorne, Alan Rudrum, Benedict Birnberg, Roger Gregory

Sadakat Kadri

At the CHOGM

James C. Scott

The World until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? by Jared Diamond. Penguin, 498 pp., £8.99, September 2013, 978 0 14 102448 6

John Lanchester

Short Cuts: Cooking for Geeks

Jamie Martin

The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White and the Making of a New World Order by Benn Steil. Princeton, 449 pp., £19.95, February 2013, 978 0 691 14909 7

Anne Diebel

Monopolising the Master: Henry James and the Politics of Modern Literary Scholarship by Michael Anesko. Stanford, 280 pp., £30.50, March 2012, 978 0 8047 6932 7

Leland de la Durantaye

Charles Baudelaire: Un poeta lirico nell’età del capitalismo avanzato by Walter Benjamin, edited by Giorgio Agamben, Barbara Chitussi and Clemens-Carl Härle. Neri Pozza, 927 pp., €23, December 2012, 978 88 545 0623 7

Tony Harrison

Poem: ‘Black Sea Aphrodite’

Edward Luttwak

The Bombing War: Europe 1939-45 by Richard Overy. Allen Lane, 852 pp., £30, September 2013, 978 0 7139 9561 9

Alan Allport

Being Boys: Youth, Leisure and Identity in the Interwar Years by Melanie Tebbutt. Manchester, 352 pp., £75, February 2012, 978 0 7190 6613 9

Sam Sacks

The Tale of the Heike translated by Royall Tyler. Viking, 734 pp., $50, October 2012, 978 0 670 02513 8

Thomas Jones

Familiar by J. Robert Lennon. Serpent’s Tail, 205 pp., £11.99, August 2013, 978 1 84668 947 5

Julian Bell

At the RA: Daumier

James Romm

The Prince of Medicine: Galen in the Roman Empire by Susan Mattern. Oxford, 334 pp., £20, July 2013, 978 0 19 960545 3

Tim Lewens

Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others by Robert Trivers. Penguin, 416 pp., £10.99, January 2014, 978 0 14 101991 8

Jenny Diski

Diary: On Knitting

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