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Vol. 24 No. 14 · 25 July 2002

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Michael Byers

Jumping the Gun


John Upton, Murray Sayle, A. Mackenzie Peers, Julian Preece, Irving Kristol, Nick Groom, Richard Storey, Edwin Morgan, Martin Ward, John Batten, Brian Tilbury

Jeremy Harding

Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel, translated by Anthony F. Roberts. Tauris, 454 pp., £25, June 2002, 1 86064 685 9

Peter Campbell

At Tate Britain: Lucian Freud

Thomas Jones

Fragrant Harbour by John Lanchester. Faber, 299 pp., £16.99, July 2002, 0 571 20176 8

James Francken

Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. Hamish Hamilton, 276 pp., £14.99, June 2002, 0 241 14166 4

Slavoj Žižek

Lenin by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, translated by George Holoch. Holmes & Meier, 371 pp., £35, November 2001, 0 8419 1412 5

Robert Crawford

Robert Burns: Poems edited by Don Paterson. Faber, 96 pp., £4.99, February 2001, 0 571 20740 5
The Canongate Burns: The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns edited by Andrew Noble and Patrick Scott Hogg. Canongate, 1017 pp., £40, November 2001, 0 86241 994 8

Daniel Soar

Short Cuts: Pop Poetry

Gerald Hammond

The Book: A History of the Bible by Christopher de Hamel. Phaidon, 352 pp., £24.95, September 2001, 0 7148 3774 1
The Wycliffe New Testament 1388 edited by W.R. Cooper. British Library, 528 pp., £20, May 2002, 0 7123 4728 3

John Upton

Diary: ‘Wicked. Sweet. Nice one’

Adewale Maja-Pearce

In the Shadow of a Saint: A Son’s Journey to Understand His Father’s Legacy by Ken Wiwa. Black Swan, 320 pp., £7.99, January 2002, 0 552 99891 5
This House Has Fallen: Nigeria in Crisis by Karl Maier. Penguin, 327 pp., £9.99, February 2002, 0 14 029884 3
The Mask of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil War by Stephen Ellis. Hurst, 350 pp., £40, November 1999, 1 85065 417 4

Michael Peel

Diary: In Abuja

Ian Glynn

The Fever Trail: The Hunt for the Cure for Malaria by Mark Honigsbaum. Macmillan, 333 pp., £18.99, November 2001, 0 333 90185 1

Jenny Diski

The Sexual Life of Catherine M. by Catherine Millet, translated by Adriana Hunter. Serpent’s Tail, 192 pp., £12, June 2002, 1 85242 811 2

August Kleinzahler

Two Poems

Peter Robins

Depraved Indifference by Gary Indiana. HarperCollins, 336 pp., $24.95, January 2002, 0 06 019726 9

Raja Shehadeh

Diary: in Ramallah

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