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Vol. 24 No. 15 · 8 August 2002

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Hilary Mantel

The Bondwoman’s Narrative: A Novel by Hannah Crafts, edited by Henry Louis Gates. Virago, 338 pp., £10.99, May 2002, 1 86049 013 1


James Booth, Tania Tamari Nasir, Theresa Heine, Joan Rockwell, Alain Ehrenberg, Rick Livingston, Marc David Baer, Peter van Sommers, C.W. Burke, Peter Hogarth, Lucy Penhaligon, M. Rudonja, David Cormack

Les Murray

Poem: ‘The Statistics of Good’

Stephen Orgel

The Complete Sonnets and Poems by William Shakespeare, edited by Colin Burrow. Oxford, 750 pp., £65, February 2002, 9780198184317

Rosemary Hill

Rosamond Lehmann by Selina Hastings. Chatto, 476 pp., £25, June 2002, 0 7011 6542 1

Peter Campbell

Henry Moore: Writings and Conversations edited by Alan Wilkinson. Lund Humphries, 320 pp., £35, February 2002, 0 85331 847 6
The Penguin Modern Painters: A History by Carol Peaker. Penguin Collectors’ Society, 124 pp., £15, August 2001, 0 9527401 4 1

E.S. Turner

Dad’s Army: The Story of a Classic Television Show by Graham McCann. Fourth Estate, 304 pp., £7.99, August 2002, 1 84115 309 5

R.W. Johnson

The Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War by Peter Hennessy. Allen Lane, 234 pp., £16.99, March 2002, 0 7139 9626 9
Know Your Enemy: How the Joint Intelligence Committee Saw the World by Percy Cradock. Murray, 351 pp., £25, March 2002, 0 7195 6048 9

Lorin Stein

The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen L. Carter. Cape, 657 pp., £18, June 2002, 0 224 06284 0

Daniel Soar

Notable American Women by Ben Marcus. Vintage, 243 pp., $12.50, March 2002, 0 375 71378 6
Assorted Fire Events by David Means. Fourth Estate, 165 pp., £10, March 2002, 0 00 713506 8

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Sedan Stories

David Midgley

Tod eines Kritikers by Martin Walser. Suhrkamp, 219 pp., €19.90, June 2002, 3 518 41378 3

Amit Chaudhuri

The Impressionist by Hari Kunzru. Hamish Hamilton, 435 pp., £12.99, April 2002, 0 241 14169 9

Polly Hope

Before the Knife: Memories of an African Childhood by Carolyn Slaughter. Doubleday, 254 pp., £12.99, March 2002, 0 385 60344 4
Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood by Alexandra Fuller. Picador, 310 pp., £15.99, February 2002, 0 330 49023 0
The Healing Land: A Kalahari Journey by Rupert Isaacson. Fourth Estate, 272 pp., £7.99, February 2002, 9781857028973

J.D. McClatchy

Poem: ‘Hotel Bar’

Tom Paulin

A Companion to Milton by Thomas N. Corns. Blackwell, 528 pp., £80, June 2001, 0 631 21408 9
The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography by Barbara K. Lewalski. Blackwell, 816 pp., £25, December 2000, 0 631 17665 9

Tony Wood

In Moscow

Robin Holloway

The Classics of Music: Talks, Essays and Other Writings Previously Uncollected by Donald Francis Tovey, edited by Michael Tilmouth. Oxford, 821 pp., £60, September 2001, 0 19 816214 6

Anne Carson

Two Poems

August Kleinzahler

Diary: Drinking Bourbon in the Zam Zam Room

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