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Paul Addison

On Living in an Old Country by Patrick Wright. Verso, 262 pp., £5.95, September 1985, 0 86091 833 5
Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England. Vol. II: Assaults by Maurice Cowling. Cambridge, 375 pp., £30, November 1985, 0 521 25959 2


Vera Liebert, Gerard Elfstrom, Peter Gray-Lucas, Craig Raine, Mark Almond, Ian Kendrick, Martin Staniforth, Peter Porter

Alan Ryan

Whitehall: Tragedy and Farce by Clive Ponting. Hamish Hamilton, 256 pp., £9.95, March 1986, 0 241 11835 2
On the Record. Surveillance, Computers and Privacy: The Inside Story by Duncan Campbell and Steve Connor. Joseph, 347 pp., £12.95, May 1986, 0 7181 2575 4

David Trotter

Englishness: Politics and Culture 1880-1920 edited by Robert Colls and Philip Dodd. Croom Helm, 378 pp., £25, June 1986, 0 7099 0849 0
The Character Factory: Baden-Powell and the Origins of the Boy Scout Movement by Michael Rosenthal. Collins, 335 pp., £15, August 1986, 0 00 217604 1
Oxford and Empire: The Last Lost Cause? by Richard Symonds. Macmillan, 366 pp., £29.50, July 1986, 0 333 40206 5

Jon Halliday

The Strange Death of Mehmet Shehu

R.W. Johnson

Jacques Doriot: Du Communisme au Fascisme by Jean-Paul Brunet. Balland, Paris, 563 pp., August 1986, 2 7158 0561 6

Michael Wood

The Grain of the Voice: Interviews 1962-1980 by Roland Barthes, translated by Linda Coverdale. Cape, 368 pp., £25, October 1985, 0 224 02302 0
Writing Degree Zero and Elements of Semiology by Roland Barthes, translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith. Cape, 172 pp., £8.95, September 1984, 0 224 02267 9
The Fashion System by Roland Barthes, translated by Matthew Ward and Richard Howard. Cape, 303 pp., £15, March 1985, 0 224 02984 3
The Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music, Art and Representation by Roland Barthes, translated by Richard Howard. Blackwell, 312 pp., £19.50, January 1986, 0 631 14746 2
The Rustle of Language by Roland Barthes, translated by Richard Howard. Blackwell, 373 pp., £27.50, May 1986, 0 631 14864 7
A Barthes Reader edited by Susan Sontag. Cape, 495 pp., £15, September 1982, 0 224 02946 0
Barthes: Selected Writings edited by Susan Sontag. Fontana, 495 pp., £4.95, August 1983, 0 00 636645 7
Roland Barthes: A Conservative Estimate by Philip Thody. University of Chicago Press, 203 pp., £6.75, February 1984, 0 226 79513 6
Roland Barthes: Structuralism and After by Annette Lavers. Methuen, 300 pp., £16.95, September 1982, 0 416 72380 2
Barthes by Jonathan Culler. Fontana, 128 pp., £1.95, February 1983, 0 00 635974 4

Andrew Motion

Two Poems

Paul Foot

High, Wide and Handsome. Ian Botham: The Story of a Very Special Year by Frank Keating. Collins, 218 pp., £10.95, June 1986, 0 00 218226 2

Stephen Sedley

Murder at the Farm: Who killed Carl Bridgewater? by Paul Foot. Sidgwick, 273 pp., £12.95, September 1986, 0 283 99165 8

Michael Church

The Children of the Souls: A Tragedy of the First World War by Jeanne Mackenzie. Chatto, 276 pp., £14.95, June 1986, 9780701128470
Voices from the Spanish Civil War: Personal Recollections of Scottish Volunteers in Republican Spain 1936-39 edited by Ian MacDougall, by Victor Kiernan. Polygon, 369 pp., £9.95, July 1986, 0 948275 19 7
The Shallow Grave: A Memoir of the Spanish Civil War by Walter Gregory, edited by David Morris and Anthony Peters. Gollancz, 183 pp., £10.95, June 1986, 0 575 03790 3
Spanish Front: Writers on the Civil War edited by Valentine Cunningham. Oxford, 388 pp., £15, July 1986, 0 19 212258 4
The Spanish Cockpit by Franz Borkenau. Pluto, 303 pp., £4.95, July 1986, 0 7453 0188 6
The Spanish Civil War 1936-39 by Paul Preston. Weidenfeld, 184 pp., £10.95, June 1986, 0 297 78891 4
Images of the Spanish Civil War by Raymond Carr. Allen and Unwin, 192 pp., £14.95, July 1986, 0 04 940089 4

Virginia Surtees

Browning’s Last Duchess

Danny Karlin

Danny Karlin comments on Edith Story’s story

Blake Morrison

Poem: ‘Straw-Burning’

Martin Seymour-Smith

Robert Graves: The Assault Heroic 1895-1926 by Richard Perceval Graves. Weidenfeld, 387 pp., £14.95, September 1986, 0 297 78943 0

Patricia Craig

The Free Frenchman by Piers Paul Read. Secker, 570 pp., £10.95, September 1986, 0 436 40966 6
Dizzy’s Woman by George MacBeth. Cape, 171 pp., £9.95, August 1986, 0 224 02801 4
On Foreign Ground by Eduardo Quiroga. Deutsch, 92 pp., £7.95, April 1986, 0 233 97894 1
A New Shirt by Desmond Hogan. Hamish Hamilton, 215 pp., £9.95, September 1986, 0 241 11928 6

C.K. Stead

Innocence by Penelope Fitzgerald. Collins, 224 pp., £9.95, September 1986, 0 00 223105 0
The Dresden Gate by Michael Schmidt. Hutchinson, 152 pp., £9.95, September 1986, 0 09 165510 2
First Fictions: Introduction 9 by Deborah Moffat, Kristien Hemmerechts, Douglas Glover, Dorothy Nimmo and Jaci Stephen. Faber, 255 pp., £3.95, August 1986, 0 571 13607 9
Continent by Jim Crace. Heinemann, 154 pp., £4.95, September 1986, 0 434 14824 5

P.N. Furbank

The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad. Vol. II: 1898-1902 edited by Frederick Karl and Laurence Davies. Cambridge, 483 pp., £27.50, August 1986, 0 521 25748 4

Paul Driver

The Beethoven Sketchbook: History, Reconstruction, Inventory by Douglas Johnson, Alan Tyson and Robert Winter, edited by Douglas Johnson. Oxford, 611 pp., £60, January 1986, 0 19 315313 0

E.S. Turner

The Pebbled Shore by Elizabeth Longford. Weidenfeld, 351 pp., £14.95, August 1986, 0 297 78863 9
Leaves of the Tulip Tree by Juliette Huxley. Murray, 248 pp., £7.95, June 1986, 9780719542886
Enid Bagnold by Anne Sebba. Weidenfeld, 317 pp., £15, September 1986, 0 297 78991 0

Karl Miller

Diary: Balance at the BBC

Judith Shklar

The Body in Pain by Elaine Scarry. Oxford, 385 pp., £30, November 1985, 0 19 503601 8

Nicholas Penny

Pictures and Punishment: Art and Criminal Prosecution during the Florentine Renaissance by Samuel Edgerton. Cornell, 243 pp., $39.50, March 1985, 0 8014 1705 8
Images of Man and Death by Philippe Ariès, translated by Janet Lloyd. Harvard, 271 pp., £19.95, October 1985, 0 674 44410 8
Fingerprints of the Artists: European Terra-Cotta Sculpture from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections by Charles Avery and Alastair Laing. Harvard, 298 pp., £127.50, September 1981, 0 674 30203 6

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