One word says to its mate
Claire Harman: W.S. Graham, 4 October 2001
The Nightfisherman: Selected Letters of W.S. Graham
edited by Michael Snow and Margaret Snow.
Carcanet, 401 pp., £12.95, November 1999,1 85754 445 5 Show More
edited by Michael Snow and Margaret Snow.
Carcanet, 401 pp., £12.95, November 1999,
“... His career began auspiciously in the early 1940s with the enthusiastic support of his hero Dylan Thomas, but the surrealism of his early collections, such as Cage without Grievance and 2ND Poems, seemed to mark him out as an oddity who could easily be ignored. The White Threshold in 1949 and The Nightfishing in 1955 made a conscious break with his earliest ... ”