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On Nicholas Moore

Peter Howarth: Nicholas Moore, 24 September 2015

... envelopes from a variety of increasingly improbable authors and sources, all in the same green ink: W.H. Laudanum, Kenelme Sexnoth Pope, H.N. (Helga Nevvadotoomuch, c/o Lord Godmanchester (Gumster), The John Peelcroft Hadmanchester Podgoets, Night Slide Clubb, P.O. Box 1AA, BBC-wise, W.1, and others. The translations were just as elastic as these ...

Short Cuts

Jeremy Harding: Depardieu in Belgium, 24 January 2013

... off from Gérard Depardieu, or Georges, the insidious, attractive fortysomething we remember in Peter Weir’s Green Card (1990). The idea that Depardieu has gone or is going anywhere is endlessly tantalising: he has never been more insistent, more palpably at home or preposterous than he is now, as he promises the French ...

At Tate Britain

Peter Campbell: Peter Doig, 6 March 2008

... Peter Doig painted Echo Lake in 1998. A man stands on the far side of a stretch of dark water. He is quite a way off, but you can see that he wears a white shirt and a dark tie. His hands are raised to his face. Is it to keep the light out of his eyes as he looks at you? Or is it to project his voice as he shouts? A police car, lights on, is parked behind him ...

I hear, I see, I learn

Nicholas Spice, 4 November 1993

The Green Knight 
by Iris Murdoch.
Chatto, 472 pp., £15.99, September 1993, 0 7011 6030 6
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... we can take them at all) is raised, even before we get to know them, by their names. In The Green Knight we have to contend with Lucas and Clement Graffe, Harvey Blacket, Bellamy James and his dog Anax, the Anderson women – Louise and her daughters Alethea (Aleph), Sophia (Sefton) and Moira (Moy) – Emil and Clive and the Adwardens. A reader alert to ...

A Decent Death

Stephen Sedley, 21 October 2021

... if it was a sin to shorten life, it must also be a sin to prolong it. An Anglican divine, Canon Peter Green, pointed out about a hundred years ago that it wasn’t easy for a society that sanctioned capital punishment to maintain that only God could give or take life. And so the hypocrisies went on. In one form or another they still do. And so do the ...

Who was in Tomb II?

James Romm: Macedon, 6 October 2011

Heracles to Alexander the Great: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, a Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy 
by Angeliki Kottaridi et al.
Ashmolean, 264 pp., £25, April 2011, 978 1 85444 254 3
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A Companion to Ancient Macedonia 
edited by Joseph Roisman and Ian Worthington.
Wiley-Blackwell, 668 pp., £110, November 2010, 978 1 4051 7936 2
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Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC–300 AD 
edited by Robin Lane Fox.
Brill, 642 pp., €184, June 2011, 978 90 04 20650 2
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... favour Philip II or Philip III. ‘For virtually every point, a counterpoint can be found,’ Peter Green lamented in 1981, and there the matter still stands today. The tone of the debate meanwhile has become more strident, as those with long-held positions find it increasingly important to defend them – especially the Greek archaeologists at ...

At Tate Britain

Peter Campbell: Howard Hodgkin, 6 July 2006

... It’s elephant time for our cherry tree. Ripe fruit glistens among dark green leaves. A flock of starlings – some black, glossy and speckled, some buff-brown juveniles – land and scramble, mostly unseen, among the leaves which rustle and move with their comings and goings. They peck at the fruit. A pair of wood pigeons – soft grey backs, pink-buff breasts, white collars – land and cling unsteadily to twigs too fragile for their weight ...

At the Hayward

Peter Campbell: Dan Flavin, 23 February 2006

... units, each mounted with four fluorescent tubes. They form a glowing, waist-high wall of green light which blocks the way to the ramp leading to the upper level. Objects shown in this foyer, despite its considerable size, tend not to seem part of the rest of an exhibition. The ramp draws you on and you pass quickly (often too quickly) to what comes ...

At Tate Modern

Peter Campbell: Miró, 14 July 2011

... is the name of the bird sitting on the goat’s back?’ ‘What is the name of the green animal beside the snail?’ ‘What is the roof made of?’ But while he was working on The Farm Miró visited Paris, and from the early 1920s Surrealist excursions into the unconscious transformed the facts of the Catalan countryside into disturbing ...

In the Country

Peter Campbell: Trees, 24 September 2009

... bad news. The station at Agen faces a steep hillside covered with a forest in many shades of green through which the roofs of villas emerge. You don’t usually think of trees as being jolly, but that is the effect. The landscape of intensive agriculture is merely dispiriting. Dead or dying trees can make people deeply anxious. In France last month the ...

At Victoria Miro

Peter Campbell: William Eggleston, 25 February 2010

... an activity that has brought with it the habit of judging light and dark while ignoring red and green. From very early on there were painters who separated the two registers, laying in colour over monochrome underpainting; and old arguments about how pictures should be made are often driven by a sense that they are constructed, and even read, layer by ...

In Auvergne

Peter Campbell: Painting in the Open Air, 1 September 2005

... painting as tools of their trade.Here in Auvergne it has been a dry summer: the fields I painted green in other years are brown; the stubble is hardly topped by new growth in meadows which have been mown; and patches of bare earth show in others which have been mown and then grazed. The cattle population has changed, too: there are fewer dairy herds, more ...

At the Courtauld

Peter Campbell: Toulouse-Lautrec and Jane Avril, 8 September 2011

... card – more like gouache than fat oil paint. The colour is sombre: Avril’s coat is dark blue-green, the night-time background blue, purple and brown. The apple green of her hat and its white flowers, her red hair, the chalky pallor of her long, thin face and her red, pursed lips are brightly theatrical, but her ...

Two Poems

Peter Redgrove, 3 February 1983

... leaping Over and over each other in the tidal circus, The little snapping white horses, And the green horses racing in the oaks. What is this Lord dressed in this magnificent suit? What is there when they are removed in winter? Shall we expect mourning merely, shall he be A grim ghost with hard jaws, humourless? Then the clowns totter out of their exploding ...

Whipping the wicked

Peter Clarke, 17 April 1980

The Optimists: Themes and Personalities in Victorian Liberalism 
by Ian Bradley.
Faber, 301 pp., £12.50, January 1980, 0 571 11495 4
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... voluntary principle with the politics of conscience must have existed. The attention given to T.H. Green can be justified partly because he sought to present such a formula in philosophically cogent terms. ‘When we speak of freedom,’ he argued, ‘we do not mean merely freedom to do as we like irrespective of what it is we like. We mean the greatest power ...

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