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Like a Manta Ray

Jenny Turner: The Entire History of Sex, 22 October 2015

The Argonauts 
by Maggie Nelson.
Graywolf, 143 pp., £23, May 2015, 978 1 55597 707 8
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... one joy of reading Nelson is getting introduced to them: Catherine Opie and A.L. Steiner, Chris Burden and Paul McCarthy, Ryan Trecartin and Mike Kelley, Nao Bustamante and William Pope.L. Nelson spends less time on work that, in her view, is stupid, arrogant or exploitative. Names that come up in this context tend to be better known to mainstream ...

I grew a beard

Christian Lorentzen: Biden on Crack, 3 June 2021

Beautiful Things: A Memoir 
by Hunter Biden.
Gallery, 272 pp., £20, April, 978 1 3985 0719 7
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... To cook crack​ you need cocaine, water, baking soda, a heat source (microwave, stove, torch, cigarette lighter) and a spoon or a jar of the right thickness. Disregard the occasional splintered jar or finger burn, and the advantages of cooking for yourself are mostly to do with customer service. You’re less likely to get ripped off or have a gun pointed at your head: powder cocaine dealers are easier to find and more reliable ...

Labour and the Lobbyists

Peter Geoghegan, 15 August 2024

... for Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service. Others came from corporate lobbying companies: Chris Ward and Joe Morris, the new MPs for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, and Hexham respectively, headed the Labour Unit at Hanbury Strategy, a firm co-founded by Vote Leave’s head of communications and a former speechwriter for David Cameron, whose clients ...

Heir to Blair

Christopher Tayler: Among the New Tories, 26 April 2007

... people will be voting in the next election who weren’t even born when Thatcher was in power.’ Chris Grayling, the shadow minister for transport, took a similar position on rail privatisation when he talked to me in January. ‘We just have to draw a line under it,’ he said, ‘and move on.’ He was happy to concede that the Major government’s ...

Underwater Living

James Meek, 5 January 2023

... into the house. Everything on the ground floor was ruined, except the microwave the family used to cook their Christmas dinner. The insurance company offered to pay their claim in Argos vouchers. ‘For a few years after that, I never settled,’ Waters said. ‘I just couldn’t. It scared me so much. I didn’t like looking out the windows at the back. I ...

In Farageland

James Meek, 9 October 2014

... white person”.’ As I was leaving, one of the tipsy rhetoricians took me aside. His name was Chris. He’d had a good job working on the wind farms but something had gone wrong. As we talked his partner was weaving to and fro on the periphery, her face dark and blotched as a result of substance abuse, her calves below the hem of her dress complex with ...


Alan Bennett: What I Didn’t Do in 2007, 3 January 2008

... the street, occasionally looking back to see if whoever was responsible is peering out. 2 August. Chris Langham is found guilty of downloading child pornography and remanded for sentencing next month, having been told to expect jail. To imprison someone for looking at or making a copy of something makes me uneasy, even though, as in this case, the facts are ...

Act One, Scene One

David Bromwich: Don’t Resist, Oppose, 16 February 2017

... of a century arranging the ingredients for the catastrophe. Lenin said of Stalin that ‘this cook will give us peppery dishes,’ and for all the talk of nation-building, democracy promotion, multiculturalism and tribal recognition, globalisation à la Nato has been a peppery dish. There were several chefs involved: Bill and Hillary Clinton, George ...

How to Measure Famine

Alex de Waal, 6 February 2025

... sang a refrain: ‘There is hunger in Palestine/there is no hunger in Palestine.’ Richard Cook, a director at UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Administration, said to Azoulay that arbitrary, banal impediments to food supplies were jeopardising the nutritional health of many Palestinians.After 7 October 2023, the Israeli government narrowed its ...

The Man in the Clearing

Iain Sinclair: Meeting Gary Snyder, 24 May 2012

... by Stephen Pyne of Phoenix, Arizona; a text called Primeval Forest by ‘a biology guy’ called Chris Maser; articles from the Nation on food stamps. Like many American poets inspired by open-field poetics – the monologues, essays and never-ending exchanges of such as Charles Olson and Robert Duncan, East Coast and West – Snyder trades in ...

All change. This train is cancelled

Iain Sinclair: The Dome, 13 May 1999

... question becomes: is it possible to reach the Dome by public transport without help from Thomas Cook, a limitless budget and a posse of native guides? At Hackney Central it looked iffy. Hackney, it strikes me, is one of those zones that can’t claim a centre. Hackney simply happens. It’s caught. Like impetigo. I’m one of those eccentrics who has ...

Spaces between the Stars

David Bromwich: Kubrick Does It Himself, 26 September 2024

Kubrick: An Odyssey 
by Robert P. Kolker and Nathan Abrams.
Faber, 649 pp., £25, January, 978 0 571 37036 8
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... plot of The Killing and the names in the supporting cast, including Marie Windsor and Elisha Cook Jr, place it in the noir cycle of the 1950s, but Kubrick told the story adroitly in flashbacks from overlapping points of view. The result owes something to The Asphalt Jungle, of which it gave an additional reminder by casting Sterling Hayden in the ...


David Runciman: Thatcher’s Rise, 6 June 2013

Margaret Thatcher: The Authorised Biography. Vol. I: Not for Turning 
by Charles Moore.
Allen Lane, 859 pp., £30, April 2013, 978 0 7139 9282 3
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... woman who was constantly trying to help people out of their personal difficulties – offering to cook them meals, sending them flowers, showering them with concern – was recognisably the same person of whom Jim Prior complained to Hugo Young in 1981: ‘She hasn’t really got a friend left in the whole cabinet. One reason she has no friend is that she ...


James Meek, 5 April 2018

... hospitals in England and Wales warned that the NHS was ‘severely and chronically underfunded’. Chris Hopson, the head of the organisation that represents the corporate interests of NHS hospital, community and ambulance trusts, said the NHS ‘no longer has the capacity to deal with the demand that it is currently facing’. Even before the winter ...

The Tower

Andrew O’Hagan, 7 June 2018

... best friends from back home and they talked about facts. Who you love is a fact and the meals you cook are facts. When the sun shines it is a fact of God and England is a fact of life. Rania always said she had preferred living in Mile End because the markets were better over there, but at least Westfield was near her now in White City. She was 31. ‘I was ...

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