Neal Ascherson: Hugh Trevor-Roper, 19 August 2010
Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography
by Adam Sisman.
Weidenfeld, 598 pp., £25, July 2010,978 0 297 85214 8 Show More
by Adam Sisman.
Weidenfeld, 598 pp., £25, July 2010,
“... on Germany in 1990, Trevor-Roper faced her down and tore her arguments to pieces. The historian John Habakkuk was an editor of Economic History Review in 1952 when Trevor-Roper’s onslaught against R.H. Tawney landed on his desk. He mused: ‘I find it difficult to decide whether T-R is a fundamentally nice person in the grip of a prose style in which it ... ”