Beginning in San Francisco in 1981, the era of punk and nascent gay pride, Rebecca Solnit’s latest book 'Recollections of My Non-Existence' (Granta) is a powerful memoir of growing both as a woman and an artist, drawing on the powers of literature, activism and solidarity in the face of an apparently unbreachable patriarchy. The struggle to find a voice and to find a way to make that voice heard are brilliantly captured and dissected by one of feminism’s, and indeed the world’s, foremost thinkers. Rebecca Solnit talks about her life and work with historian Mary Beard, whose most recent book is 'Women & Power: A Manifesto'. Both of our speakers are regular contributors to the pages of the LRB.
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Read Rebecca Solnit in the LRB:
ReadMary Beard in the LRB: