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David Runciman and Pankaj Mishra: Histories of Ideas

David Runciman’s podcast series 'Talking Politics: History of Ideas' provides introductions to the most important thinkers and theories behind modern politics, helping to make sense of our predicament through the revelatory ideas of Hobbes and Hayek, Fanon and Fukuyama, Bentham and De Beauvoir.

To mark the conclusion of the second series, David is joined by Pankaj Mishra, author of Age of Anger and Bland Fanatics, among other books, for a conversation about those subjects of David’s that Pankaj has also written about extensively – including Gandhi, Rousseau and Nietzsche – alongside an alternative canon of non-Western theorists of politics and crisis.

Find the History of Ideas podcasts here: https://www.talkingpoliticspodcast.com/history-of-ideas

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