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Wrong Norma

Anne Carson, Simon McBurney, Ben Whishaw and Robert Currie

Wrong Norma is Anne Carson’s first book of original material in eight years, a collection of writings, as she puts it, ‘about different things, like Joseph Conrad, Guantanamo, Flaubert, snow, poverty, Roget’s Thesaurus, my Dad, Saturday night, Sokrates, writing sonnets, forensics, encounters with lovers, the word “idea”, the feet of Jesus, and Russian thugs.’

Fragments of several of the above appeared first in the pages of the LRB, as Anne’s work has for many years. What a fine thing, to celebrate this treasured association with a celebration of Wrong Norma as uncategorisable as the book. A lecture, a reading, a conversation, a performance: Anne was joined by her ‘Randomizer’ Robert Currie, the actor Ben Whishaw and, chairing proceedings, the actor, playwright and artistic director of Complicité, Simon McBurney. 

Film by Camilla Adams 

Recorded at Conway Hall, 25 March 2024.

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