The Long and Short: Katherine Mansfield's short stories

Mark Ford and Seamus Perry

In episode four of The Long and Short, we turn to the squarely modernist Katherine Mansfield, whose writing famously attracted the envy of Virginia Woolf. Mark and Seamus discuss the decisive break modernist story makes from its 19th century predecessors, exemplified in Mansfield’s work. At turns lyrical, ruthless, moving and darkly comic, these stories demonstrate her knack for close observation and mimicry – no wonder one of them is Mark’s ‘desert island’ story.

This is an extract from the episode. To listen in full and to all our other Close Readings series, sign up here:

Further Reading:

C.K. Stead: Mrs Bowdenhood

Michael Holroyd: Bogey's Clean Sweep

Kirsty Gunn: How the Laundry Basket Squeaked

Lorna Sage: I, too, write a little

Susannah Clapp: Finishing Touches

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