Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards editor of Enemy News, the journal of the Wyndham Lewis Society, works in an Industrial Language Training Unit in East London, where he designs courses on work-place communications. His edition of Lewis’s Rotting Hill was published on 18 February (Black Sparrow, distributed by Air-life Books, 349 pp., £19.95 and £11.95, 0 87685 647 4).

SIR: I wondered, before I started it, how far I would be able to read into John Bayley’s review of the Tolstoys’ Diaries (LRB, 5 December 1985) before his argument would become too refined for me to understand. It happened even earlier than usual: in the second paragraph, when I reached the sentence ‘Solipsism is an index of immortality.’ I tried the sentence the other way round – ‘Immortality...
Have we finished with Conrad and racialism yet? ‘The disdainful pout of Comrade Ossipon’s thick lips accentuated the negro type of his face.’ Conrad accepts the racial stereotypes of the ‘scientists’ of his time, but in some ways he certainly attempts to undermine them too. Heart of Darkness shows that ‘civilised’ whites are as prone to savagery and superstition as the ‘uncivilised...

Apoplectic Gristle: Wyndham Lewis

David Trotter, 25 January 2001

The day he first met Wyndham Lewis, shortly after the end of the First World War, Ernest Hemingway was teaching Ezra Pound how to box. The encounter took place in Paris, where Pound had a studio,...

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