Vol. 46 No. 10 · 23 May 2024

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Cover Artist

Helen Napper

Amia Srinivasan

If We Say Yes


Frances Cole, Jolyon Jenkins, Adrien Sevaux, Ian Ferguson, Thomas Forrest, Martin Gorsky, Andrew Gelman, Avril Horner, Brian Reffin Smith, Gabriel Egan, Neil Blackshaw, Frances Post

Tom Stevenson

One Grave, Two Bodies

Anahid Nersessian

Short Cuts: At the UCLA Encampment

Neal Ascherson

Empireworld: How British Imperialism Has Shaped the Globe by Sathnam Sanghera. Viking, 449 pp., £20, January, 978 0 241 60041 2

Maureen N. McLane

On Donna Stonecipher

Adam Mars-Jones

You Dreamed of Empires by Álvaro Enrigue, translated by Natasha Wimmer. Harvill Secker, 206 pp., £18.99, January, 978 1 78730 380 5

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘La Chimera’

Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite

Workshop of the World: Essays in People’s History by Raphael Samuel, edited by John Merrick. Verso, 295 pp., £25, January, 978 1 80429 280 8

Thomas Jones

At the British Museum: ‘Life in the Roman Army’

Irina Dumitrescu

Minstrels and Minstrelsy in Late Medieval England by Richard Rastall and Andrew Taylor. Boydell, 445 pp., £85, April 2023, 978 1 83765 039 2

Jonathan Meades

Interwar: British Architecture 1919-39 by Gavin Stamp. Profile, 568 pp., £40, March, 978 1 80081 739 5
The Buildings of England: Surrey by Charles O’Brien, Ian Nairn and Bridget Cherry. Yale, 854 pp., £60, November 2022, 978 0 300 23478 7

Edmund Gordon

Selected Non-Fiction: 1962-2007 by J.G. Ballard, edited by Mark Blacklock. MIT, 386 pp., £30, October 2023, 978 0 262 04832 3

Jeremy Harding

I am only interested in women who struggle

John Foot

The Bad German and the Good Italian: Removing the Guilt of the Second World War by Filippo Focardi, translated by Paul Barnaby. Manchester, 336 pp., £85, August 2023, 978 1 5261 5713 3

John-Paul Stonard

On Jan Lievens

Deborah Friedell

James by Percival Everett. Mantle, 303 pp., £20, April, 978 1 0350 3123 8

Diane Williams

Story: ‘I Wish for That Way of Life’

Amir Ahmadi Arian

Diary: Rushdie, Khomeini and Me

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