Linda Holt

Linda Holt was lecturer in German at Hertford College, Oxford in 1992-93. At the moment she is researching the history of Jersey’s Jews, and preparing a PhD on the women in Goethe’s love poetry.

Our Dear Channel Islands

Linda Holt, 25 May 1995

In 1968, when I was five, my parents moved to Jersey as tax exiles and bought a house in the west of the island. During the German Occupation it had been the site of a slave worker camp. Next door’s garden pond had formerly been the camp’s well, while just over the fence at the bottom of our garden there were grey concrete bunkers covered in brambles and bracken. As children we picked blackberries off them and speculated about what they might contain, but never found a way in. Like our parents, and like many native Channel Islanders, we didn’t give the recent past a second thought: the bunkers, gun emplacements and massive sea walls seemed to have always been there, like the beaches and granite cliffs they overlooked.

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