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Dani Garavelli

Dani Garavelli writes a column for the Herald on Sunday.

Jailed, Failed, Forgotten: Deaths in Custody

Dani Garavelli, 20 February 2025

Iwas​ on the ferry to Islay in November 2018 when I got a message telling me that a 16-year-old boy had killed himself in Polmont Young Offender Institution, which lies between Glasgow and Edinburgh. My contact had seen a newspaper column I’d written about the suicide a few months earlier of another prisoner at Polmont, a young woman called Katie Allan. I was working on a story about...

From The Blog
10 January 2025

At first glance, the row of booths could be mistaken for a chorus line dressing room. There are eight in all; each with its own strip-lighting, giant mirror and packet of wipes. But the yellow bins betray the true purpose. They are there for the disposal of used syringes at the UK’s first sanctioned safer drugs consumption facility.

Diary: Cinema-going

Dani Garavelli, 10 October 2024

Igrew up​ in the seaside town of Prestwick, on the West Coast of Scotland. In its heyday, Prestwick was a haven for workers from the shipyards and factories, who would travel ‘doon the watter’ by paddle steamer or train for the Glasgow Fair, the fortnight in July when all the city’s industries shut down. At one end of the promenade stood the bathing lake: an Olympic...

Diary: Election Night in Glasgow

Dani Garavelli, 18 July 2024

‘What is the point of voting?’ a man in beige salwar kameez yelled. ‘Whoever wins, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.’ He was halfway up the street when he turned to add: ‘And murderers keep on murdering.’ It was 2.45 p.m. on Friday, 7 June. Dozens of Jumu’ah worshippers – some in prayer hats and sandals, some in sweatshirts and jeans...

On the sideboard​ in my dining room stands a model ship, approximately 85 cm long and 70 cm high, its hull lined with square portholes through which the barrels of tiny cannon protrude. There are intricately carved staircases, a ship’s wheel, a lattice hatchway cover and a windlass for pulling up the anchor. The words ‘BON’ and ‘HOMME’ are clearly legible on the...

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