Vol. 46 No. 11 · 6 June 2024

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Cover Artist

Naomi Frears

Erin Maglaque

Shylock’s Venice: The Remarkable History of Venice’s Jews and the Ghetto by Harry Freedman. Bloomsbury, 247 pp., £20, February, 978 1 3994 0727 4


Daphne Preston-Kendal, Mark Flinn, Killian O’Donnell, Albion Urdank, Norman Gray, Benjamin Letzler, Georgy Kantor, Benny Ross, Ian Ellison, Kevin Hilliard, Jan Grue, Nick Totton

Stefan Collini

An Uneasy Inheritance: My Family and Other Radicals by Polly Toynbee. Atlantic, 436 pp., £10.99, June, 978 1 83895 837 4

David Kaiser

Black Hole Flyby

Daniel Trilling

Slow Waltz

Georgie Newson

Short Cuts: In Calais

Anne Carson

Poem: ‘In My Life as a Visiting Lecturer I Meet Various and Sundry People or, Another Way to Think of This, Here Are All the Novels I Never Wrote and You Are Welcome to Them’

Rachel Nolan

How Things Fall Apart: What Happened to the Cuban Revolution by Elizabeth Dore. Apollo, 341 pp., £10.99, August 2023, 978 1 80328 381 4
The Tribe: Portraits of Cuba by Carlos Manuel Álvarez, translated by Frank Wynne and Rahul Bery. Fitzcarraldo, 336 pp., £12.99, May 2022, 978 1 913097 91 2

Sarah Gould

At the Petit Palais: On Théodore Rousseau

A.E. Stallings

Poem: ‘Saronic’

Vivian Gornick

The Freaks Came out to Write: The Definitive History of the ‘Village Voice’, the Radical Paper That Changed American Culture by Tricia Romano. Public Affairs, 571 pp., £27.50, February, 978 1 5417 3639 9

Owen Hatherley

Without Model: Parva Aesthetica by Theodor Adorno, translated by Wieland Hoban. Seagull, 177 pp., £19.99, June 2023, 978 1 80309 218 8

Mary Wellesley

On the Nightingale

Hal Foster

Why Surrealism Matters by Mark Polizzotti. Yale, 232 pp., £16.99, March, 978 0 300 25709 0

Blake Morrison

Long Island by Colm Tóibín. Picador, 287 pp., £20, May, 978 1 0350 2944 0

Patrick McGuinness

Diary: Back to Bouillon

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