Vol. 45 No. 17 · 7 September 2023

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Naomi Frears

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Vol. 45 No. 17 · 7 September 2023

Colm Tóibín

Annotations to James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ by Sam Slote, Marc A. Mamigonian and John Turner. Oxford, 1424 pp., £145, February 2022, 978 0 19 886458 5


Janie Paul, David Aneurin Morgan, Rob Wills, Martin Shaw, John Craven, Sharon Footerman, Sean McGlynn, Mike Watkinson, Jesse Norman, Jonathan Rée, Roy Kift, HildaRuth Beaumont, Donald Gillies

Tom Hickman

Short Cuts: Convention Rights

Thomas Nagel

J.L. Austin: Philosopher and D-Day Intelligence Officer by M.W. Rowe. Oxford, 660 pp., £30, May 2023, 978 0 19 870758 5

Paul Keegan

The Penguin Book of French Short Stories: Vol I edited by Patrick McGuinness. Penguin Classics, 483 pp., £30, October 2022, 978 0 241 46199 0
The Penguin Book of French Short Stories: Vol II edited by Patrick McGuinness. Penguin Classics, 352 pp., £30, October 2022, 978 0 241 46205 8

Rosemary Hill

At the Courtauld: ‘Art and Artifice’

Geoff Mann

Treading Thin Air

Laleh Khalili

The Key Man: How the Global Elite Was Duped by a Capitalist Fairy Tale by Simon Clark and Will Louch. Penguin, 342 pp., £10.99, February 2023, 978 0 241 98894 7
Icarus: The Life and Death of the Abraaj Group by Brian Brivati. Biteback, 349 pp., £9.99, January 2022, 978 1 78590 733 3
Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World by Brett Christophers. Verso, 310 pp., £20, April 2023, 978 1 83976 898 9

Michael Hofmann

Old God’s Time by Sebastian Barry. Faber, 261 pp., £18.99, February, 978 0 571 33277 9

Liam Shaw

Planting Clues: How Plants Solve Crimes by David J. Gibson. Oxford, 237 pp., £18.99, August 2022, 978 0 19 886860 6

Steve Ely

Poem: ‘From ‘Lives of British Shrews’’

Andrea Brady

Early Works by Alice Notley. Fonograf, 321 pp., $20.95, February, 978 1 7378036 3 8
The Speak Angel Series by Alice Notley. Fonograf, 634 pp., $27.95, February, 978 1 7378036 2 1

Nicholas Penny

Natural Light: The Art of Adam Elsheimer and the Dawn of Modern Science by Julian Bell. Thames and Hudson, 255 pp., £25, April, 978 0 500 02407 2

Colin Kidd

Catharine Macaulay: Political Writings edited by Max Skjönsberg. Cambridge, 312 pp., £24.99, March, 978 1 009 30744 4

Malin Hay

The Happy Couple by Naoise Dolan. Weidenfeld, 256 pp., £16.99, May, 978 1 4746 1349 1

Tessa Hadley

The Shutter of Snow by Emily Holmes Coleman. Faber, 171 pp., £9.99, February, 978 0 571 37520 2

Erin Maglaque

Diary: Desperate Midwives

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