Vol. 45 No. 14 · 13 July 2023

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Cover Artist

Naomi Frears

Rachel Nolan

Still Life with Bones: Genocide, Forensics and What Remains by Alexa Hagerty. Wildfire, 296 pp., £22, March, 978 1 4722 9577 4
Textures of Terror: The Murder of Claudina Isabel Velásquez and Her Father’s Quest for Justice by Victoria Sanford. California, 200 pp., £24, May, 978 0 520 39345 5


James Morris, John Holmwood, David Ireland, Keith Denny, Andrew Dobson, Anil Gomes, Nicholas Jose, Nick Wray, Margaret Faull, Bruce J. Watson, Tom Westcott

William Davies

Pain, No Gain

Naomi Grant

At the National Gallery: ‘The Nativity’ Restored

Colin Kidd

Ties That Bind? Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Union by Graham Walker and James Greer. Irish Academic Press, 269 pp., £17.99, February 2023, 978 1 78855 817 4
The Case of Ireland: Commerce, Empire and the European Order, 1750-1848 by James Stafford. Cambridge, 298 pp., £75, January 2022, 978 1 316 51612 6

Fiona Benson

Poem: ‘Robin Goodfellow’

Josephine Quinn

King of the World: The Life of Cyrus the Great by Matt Waters. Oxford, 255 pp., £21.99, September 2022, 978 0 19 092717 2

Patricia Lockwood

Something to Do with Paying Attention by David Foster Wallace. McNally Editions, 136 pp., $18, April 2022, 978 1 946022 27 1

Tom Crewe

Short Cuts: An hour with George and Ed

Rye Dag Holmboe

Master of the Two Left Feet: Morris Hirshfield Rediscovered by Richard Meyer. MIT, 267 pp., £55, September 2022, 978 0 262 04728 9

Seth Anziska

The Only Woman in the Room: Golda Meir and Her Path to Power by Pnina Lahav. Princeton, 376 pp., £28, November 2022, 978 0 691 20174 0

Blake Morrison

Be Mine by Richard Ford. Bloomsbury, 342 pp., £18.99, June, 978 1 5266 6176 0

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Asteroid City’

Tony Wood

The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World by Karl Schlögel, translated by Rodney Livingstone. Princeton, 906 pp., £35, March, 978 0 691 18374 9

Tim Parks

The Hive by Camilo José Cela, translated by James Womack. NYRB, 262 pp., £15, March, 978 1 68137 615 8

Stephanie Bishop

Story: ‘A Tale of Two Women’

Jon Day

Immanuel by Matthew McNaught. Fitzcarraldo, 248 pp., £12.99, June 2022, 978 1 910695 67 8

Amber Medland

Best of Friends by Kamila Shamsie. Bloomsbury, 315 pp., £8.99, June, 978 1 5266 4771 9

Catherine Hall

Diary: Return to Jamaica

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