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Vol. 43 No. 22 · 18 November 2021

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 43 No. 22 · 18 November 2021


Julian Hughes, Lukas Fierz, Donald MacEwan, Nicholas Bird, Jonathan Sawday, Andy King, Norbert Hirschhorn, Frances Post, Tony Lurcock, Xanthe Brooke, Brendan Carroll, Rory Allen

Neal Ascherson

We’re Here Because You Were There: Immigration and the End of Empire by Ian Sanjay Patel. Verso, 344 pp., £20, April 2021, 978 1 78873 767 8

Jorie Graham

Poem: ‘Are we’

James Butler

A Coal Mine for Every Wildfire

Adam Tooze

Ecological Leninism

James Romm

The Making of a King: Antigonus Gonatas of Macedon and the Greeks by Robin Waterfield. Oxford, 277 pp., £21.99, September 2021, 978 0 19 885301 5

Wang Xiuying

Losing at the Starting Line

Ashley Moffett

Short Cuts: Mayonnaise Miracle Babies

Clair Wills

Life Pushed Aside

Christian Lorentzen

The Committed by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Corsair, 345 pp., £8.99, March 2021, 978 1 4721 5253 4

Paul Batchelor

Two Poems

James Meek

A Shock by Keith Ridgway. Picador, 274 pp., £16.99, June, 978 1 5290 6479 7

Tom McCarthy

Adventures of the Black Box

Jonathan Rée

The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms by Ernst Cassirer, translated by Steve G. Lofts. Routledge, 1412 pp., £150, September 2020, 978 1 138 90725 6

Fergus McGhee

Arthur Hugh Clough edited by Gregory Tate. Oxford, 384 pp., £85, September 2020, 978 0 19 881343 9

Richard Taws

At Tate Modern: ‘The Making of Rodin’

Sophie Lewis

Girly Drinks: A World History of Women and Alcohol by Mallory O’Meara. Hanover Square, 392 pp., $27.99, October, 978 1 335 28240 8

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Last Night In Soho’

Anne Enright

Diary: Priests in the Family

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