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Vol. 40 No. 12 · 21 June 2018

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Cover Artist

Anne Rothenstein

David Runciman

The Fall of the House of Fifa by David Conn. Yellow Jersey, 336 pp., £9.99, June 2017, 978 0 224 10045 8


Grace Benton and Flora Neve, Rupert Read, Nicholas Pearson, Peter Greenland, Nick Steiger, Melanie Coles, Andrew O’Hagan, Anthony Wilks, Virginia Tilley, Keith Barnham, David Seddon

Pankaj Mishra

The People v. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It by Yascha Mounk. Harvard, 400 pp., £21.95, March 2018, 978 0 674 97682 5
Not Enough: Human Rights in an Unequal World by Samuel Moyn. Harvard, 277 pp., £21.95, April 2018, 978 0 674 73756 3

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Pandora’s Box’

Rosemary Hill

In Byron’s Wake: The Turbulent Lives of Lord Byron’s Wife and Daughter by Miranda Seymour. Simon and Schuster, 560 pp., £25, March 2018, 978 1 4711 3857 7
Ada Lovelace: The Making of a Computer Scientist by Christopher Hollings, Ursula Martin and Adrian Rice. Bodleian, 128 pp., £20, April 2018, 978 1 85124 488 1

Stephanie Burt

Poem: ‘Sparrows in the Natick Collection’

Helen Thompson

Will it hold?

Anne Carson

Poem: ‘Short Talk on My Headache’

Terry Eagleton

Judging Shaw by Fintan O’Toole. Royal Irish Academy, 381 pp., £28, October 2017, 978 1 908997 15 9

Lauren Oyler

The Female Persuasion by Meg Wolitzer. Chatto, 464 pp., £14.99, June 2018, 978 1 78474 236 2

Ian Patterson

The Unmapped Country: Stories and Fragments by Ann Quin. And Other Stories, 192 pp., £10, January 2018, 978 1 911508 14 4

Inigo Thomas

At the Pool

Jeremy Harding

21 Poems by George Oppen, edited by David B. Hobbs. New Directions, 48 pp., £7.99, September 2017, 978 0 8112 2691 2

Christopher Minkowski

Redeeming the ‘Kamasutra’ by Wendy Doniger. Oxford, 181 pp., £14.99, March 2016, 978 0 19 049928 0

Blake Morrison

The Journal of a Disappointed Man by W.N.P. Barbellion. Penguin, 394 pp., £9.99, November 2017, 978 0 241 29769 8

Lana Spawls

Short Cuts: Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba

Susannah Clapp

On David King

Nick Laird

Poem: ‘The Folding’

David Thomson

Diary: ‘Vertigo’ after Weinstein

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