Vol. 39 No. 3 · 2 February 2017

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 39 No. 3 · 2 February 2017

Hilary Mantel

Margaret Pole: The Countess in the Tower by Susan Higginbotham


Nikil Saval, Harry Harmer, Annette Bonnell, Harvey Taylor, Edward Black, Jeff Rodman, Roger Morsley-Smith, Graham Loud, Benjamin Ralph, Peter Fernandes, Peter Thornton, Esther Chadwick

Patrick Cockburn

Who supplies the news?

Norman Dombey

North Korea’s Bomb

Isabel Hull

‘Lusitania’: The Cultural History of a Catastrophe by Willi Jasper, translated by Stewart Spencer

Adam Mars-Jones

The Visiting Privilege by Joy Williams
Ninety-Nine Stories of God by Joy Williams

T.J. Clark

At Tate Britain: Paul Nash

William Davies

The Courage to Act: A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath by Ben Bernanke
The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking, and the Future of the Global Economy by Mervyn King

John Lanchester

Short Cuts: Amazon Echo

Jonah Miller

Accounting for Oneself: Worth, Status and the Social Order in Early Modern England by Alexandra Shepard

Peter Pomerantsev

Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea by Teffi, translated by Robert Chandler, Elizabeth Chandler, Anne Marie Jackson and Irina Steinberg
Rasputin and Other Ironies by Teffi, translated by Robert Chandler, Elizabeth Chandler, Rose France and Anne Marie Jackson
Subtly Worded by Teffi, translated by Robert Chandler, Elizabeth Chandler, Anne Marie Jackson, Natalia Wase, Clare Kitson and Irina Steinberg

John Lahr

Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

Yonatan Mendel


J. Robert Lennon

4321 by Paul Auster

Devin Johnston

Poem: ‘A Small Kingdom’

Thomas Meaney

Rescued from the Nation: Anagarika Dharmapala and the Buddhist World by Steven Kemper
Tamil: A Biography by David Shulman
The Seasons of Trouble: Life amid the Ruins of Sri Lanka’s Civil War by Rohini Mohan

Stephanie Burt

On the Dickman Brothers

Alison Light

Diary: Raphael Samuel

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