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Vol. 36 No. 14 · 17 July 2014

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Cover Artist

Anne Rothenstein


John Dooley, Graham Perry, Anil Gomes, Kathleen Connors, Jan Montefiore, Andrew Brown, Estela Welldon, Stephen Roser, Walker Boyd, Penny McCarthy

Owen Bennett-Jones

How should we think about the Caliphate?

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Facebook Misery

Tim Parks

The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy, edited by Simon Avery. Broadview, 512 pp., £9.50, April 2013, 978 1 55481 070 3

August Kleinzahler

Poem: ‘A History of Western Music: Chapter 74’

Martin Hickman

The Ballad of Andy and Rebekah

Patrick Cockburn

Battle for Baghdad

Thomas Penn

The Field of Cloth of Gold by Glenn Richardson. Yale, 288 pp., £35, November 2013, 978 0 300 14886 2

Rosemary Hill

The Bloomsbury Group Memoir Club by S.P. Rosenbaum, edited by James Haule. Palgrave, 203 pp., £20, January 2014, 978 1 137 36035 9

Charles Hope

At the National Gallery: ‘Making Colour’

Sheila Heti

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman. Windmill, 244 pp., £8.99, April 2014, 978 0 09 955899 6

Thomas Powers

Stephen Crane: A Life of Fire by Paul Sorrentino. Harvard, 476 pp., £25, June 2014, 978 0 674 04953 6

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Judex’

Judith Butler

The Death Penalty: Vol. I by Jacques Derrida, translated by Peggy Kamuf. Chicago, 328 pp., £24.50, January 2014, 978 0 226 14432 0

Stephen Lovell

Moscow 1937 by Karl Schlögel, translated by Rodney Livingstone. Polity, 650 pp., £16.99, March 2014, 978 0 7456 5077 7

Nick Richardson

Glow by Ned Beauman. Sceptre, 249 pp., £16.99, June 2014, 978 1 4447 6551 9

Emily Witt

Diary: Burning Man

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