Vol. 32 No. 16 · 19 August 2010

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 32 No. 16 · 19 August 2010

Colm Tóibín

The Pope Is Not Gay by Angelo Quattrocchi, translated by Romy Clark Giuliani. Verso, 181 pp., £8.90, June 2010, 978 1 84467 474 9


Richard Reid, Roger Fieldhouse, John Barker, Peter McGill, Elwyn Jenkins, Daniel Waissbein, Ben Bollig, Mark Etherton, William Flesch, Chris Purnell

Neal Ascherson

Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography by Adam Sisman. Weidenfeld, 598 pp., £25, July 2010, 978 0 297 85214 8

Michael Wood

L’Eté by Albert Camus. Gallimard, 192 pp., €18.50, February 2010, 978 2 07 012927 0
Albert Camus: Solitaire et Solidaire by Catherine Camus. Lafon, 208 pp., £39.90, December 2009, 978 2 7499 1087 1
Albert Camus: Elements of a Life by Robert Zaretsky. Cornell, 200 pp., £16.50, March 2010, 978 0 8014 4805 8
Albert Camus: Fils d’Alger by Alain Vircondelet. Fayard, 396 pp., €19.90, January 2010, 978 2 213 63844 7

Hugo Williams

Poem: ‘I Knew the Bride’

Jenny Diski

The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want: A Book about Noise by Garret Keizer. PublicAffairs, 385 pp., £16.99, June 2010, 978 0 15 864855 2

Nick Richardson

No Such Thing As Silence: John Cage’s 4'33" by Kyle Gann. Yale, 255 pp., £16.99, April 2010, 978 0 300 13699 9

Peter Campbell

At the Whitechapel: Alice Neel

Lidija Haas

Shirley Jackson: Novels and Stories edited by Joyce Carol Oates. Library of America, 827 pp., $35, May 2010, 978 1 59853 072 8

Andrew O’Hagan

Short Cuts: With the Hackerati

Melissa Denes

The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. Tuskar Rock, 485 pp., £12.99, May 2010, 978 1 84887 355 1

Gillian Darley

Behind Closed Doors: At Home in Georgian England by Amanda Vickery. Yale, 382 pp., £20, October 2009, 978 0 300 15453 5

Andy Beckett

70s Style and Design by Dominic Lutyens and Kirsty Hislop. Thames and Hudson, 224 pp., £24.90, November 2009, 978 0 500 51483 2

Barbara Everett

Saint Shakespeare

Nick Laird

Three Poems

Thomas Nagel

Natural Reflections: Human Cognition at the Nexus of Science and Religion by Barbara Herrnstein Smith. Yale, 201 pp., £25, March 2010, 978 0 300 14034 7

Joshua Kurlantzick

Playing the World for Fools

Michael Henry

Diary: Trials of a Translator

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