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Vol. 27 No. 16 · 18 August 2005

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 27 No. 16 · 18 August 2005

Mary Beard

Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece by Patrick Leigh Fermor. Murray, 248 pp., £8.99, July 2004, 0 7195 6692 4
Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese by Patrick Leigh Fermor. Murray, 336 pp., £8.99, July 2004, 0 7195 6691 6
Words of Mercury by Patrick Leigh Fermor, edited by Artemis Cooper. Murray, 274 pp., £7.99, July 2004, 9780719561061


Jacqueline Rose, Pablo Mukherjee, Virginia Tilley, Tony French, Niall Rudd, Martin Axford, Jack Pole, Chris Sansom, Chris McCabe

Alex de Waal

Chasing Ghosts

Elaine Showalter and English Showalter

In Search of Hannah Crafts: Critical Essays on ‘The Bondwoman’s Narrative’ edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr and Hollis Robbins. Basic Books, 458 pp., £17.50, January 2005, 0 465 02708 3

Dan Jacobson

The Orientalist: In Search of a Man Caught between East and West by Tom Reiss. Chatto, 433 pp., £17.99, July 2005, 9780701178857

Anne Carson

Poem: ‘Two Translations of Aeschylus’ ‘Agamemnon’ 1072-1330’

Rosemary Hill

Quicksands: A Memoir by Sybille Bedford. Hamish Hamilton, 370 pp., £20, June 2005, 0 241 14037 4

Iain Sinclair

Museums of Melancholy

Chloe Hooper

In Tasmania by Nicholas Shakespeare. Harvill, 320 pp., £20, November 2004, 1 84343 157 2

Ian Hacking

The 21st-Century Brain: Explaining, Mending and Manipulating the Mind by Steven Rose. Cape, 344 pp., £20, March 2005, 0 224 06254 9

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: When is a planet not a planet?

Peter Barham

Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Modern Medicine by Andrew Scull. Yale, 360 pp., £18.95, May 2005, 0 300 10729 3

Slavoj Žižek

What Might Have Been: Imaginary History from 12 Leading Historians edited by Andrew Roberts. Phoenix, 208 pp., £7.99, May 2005, 0 7538 1873 6

Lawrence Lessig

The Success of Open Source by Steven Weber. Harvard, 312 pp., £19.95, August 2004, 0 674 01292 5
Democratising Innovation by Eric von Hippel. MIT, 208 pp., £19.95, May 2005, 0 262 00274 4

Nick Laird

Collected Poems by Patrick Kavanagh, edited by Antoinette Quinn. Allen Lane, 299 pp., £25, September 2004, 0 7139 9599 8

Jonathan Heawood

The Rules of Perspective by Adam Thorpe. Cape, 341 pp., £12.99, May 2005, 0 224 05187 3

Peter Campbell

In Cambridge: The Cambridge Illuminations: Ten Centuries of Book Production in the Medieval West

Robert Irwin

Modern Arabic Fiction: An Anthology edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi. Columbia, 1056 pp., £40, June 2005, 0 231 13254 9

Sameer Rahim

Diary: British Muslims react to the London bombings

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