Vol. 27 No. 9 · 5 May 2005

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

James Meek

The Subterranean Railway: How the London Underground Was Built and How It Changed the City For Ever by Christian Wolmar. Atlantic, 351 pp., £17.99, November 2004, 1 84354 022 3


Hilary Fanning, Paul Taylor, Chris Purnell, Liz Willis, Katharine Fletcher, Harvey Francis, Ana María Sánchez-Arce, David Dyzenhaus, Fiona Allen, Robert Brain

Michael Byers

Flyweight Belligerents

Seamus Heaney

Three Poems

Tom Nairn

Multitude by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Hamish Hamilton, 426 pp., £20, January 2005, 0 241 14240 7

Andrew O’Hagan

Four Funerals and a Wedding

Stephen Knight

Two Poems

Maurice Keen

Hawkwood: Diabolical Englishman by Frances Stonor Saunders. Faber, 366 pp., £17.99, November 2004, 9780571219087

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Nick Laird

The dogs in the street know that

Peter Clarke

Liberal Lion: Jo Grimond, a Political Life by Peter Barberis. Tauris, 266 pp., £19.50, March 2005, 1 85043 627 4

Peter Campbell

At Tate Modern: Like a badly iced cake

John Sutherland

Publisher by Tom Maschler. Picador, 294 pp., £20, March 2005, 0 330 48420 6
British Book Publishing as a Business since the 1960s by Eric de Bellaigue. British Library, 238 pp., £19.95, January 2004, 0 7123 4836 0
Penguin Special: The Life and Times of Allen Lane by Jeremy Lewis. Viking, 484 pp., £25, May 2005, 0 670 91485 1

John Mullan

The One v. the Many: Minor Characters and the Space of the Protagonist in the Novel by Alex Woloch. Princeton, 391 pp., £13.95, February 2005, 0 691 11314 9

Joanna Kavenna

Rapids by Tim Parks. Secker, 246 pp., £15.99, March 2005, 0 436 20559 9

Daniel Soar

Chinese Letter by Svetislav Basara, translated by Ana Lucic. Dalkey Archive, 132 pp., £7.99, January 2005, 9781564783745

Moustafa Bayoumi

Diary: In Beirut’s Tent City

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