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Vol. 26 No. 18 · 23 September 2004

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 26 No. 18 · 23 September 2004

David Simpson

My Life by Bill Clinton. Hutchinson, 957 pp., £25, June 2004, 0 09 179527 3


Jim Harper, Julian Rathbone, Phyllis Goldberg, Christopher Wintle, Nick Sweeney, Hamilton Scott, Güneli Gün, Gail Levin, Joe Baker

Andrew O’Hagan

The God Squad

John Kinsella

Poem: ‘A Swarm of Paragliders: A Poem of Abuse’

Perry Anderson

Le Rappel à l’ordre: Enquête sur les nouveaux réactionnaires by Daniel Lindenberg. Seuil, 94 pp., €10.50, November 2002, 2 02 055816 5
Esquisse pour une auto-analyse by Pierre Bourdieu. Raisons d'Agir, 142 pp., €12, February 2004, 2 912107 19 9
La République mondiale des lettres by Pascale Casanova. Seuil, 492 pp., €27.50, March 1999, 2 02 035853 0

Nicholas Penny

Goya by Robert Hughes. Harvill, 429 pp., £25, October 2003, 1 84343 054 1

Peter de Bolla

Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation by Gilles Deleuze, translated by Daniel Smith. Continuum, 209 pp., £9.99, March 2004, 0 8264 7318 0

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Not by Henry James

Theodore Ziolkowski

Poems and Fragments by Friedrich Hölderlin, translated by Michael Hamburger. Anvil, 823 pp., £19.95, March 2004, 0 85646 360 4

Terry Eagleton

Author, Author: A Novel by David Lodge. Secker, 389 pp., £16.99, September 2004, 0 436 20527 0

Andy Beckett

GB84 by David Peace. Faber, 465 pp., £12.99, March 2004, 0 571 21445 2

Tessa Hadley

Case Histories: A Novel by Kate Atkinson. Doubleday, 304 pp., £16.99, September 2004, 0 385 60799 7

Peter Campbell

At the National Portrait Gallery: fashion photography

Lorraine Daston

The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A Study in Sociological Semantics and the Sociology of Science by Robert Merton and Elinor Barber. Princeton, 313 pp., £18.95, February 2004, 0 691 11754 3

James Morone

Inventing a Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson by Gore Vidal. Yale, 198 pp., £8.99, September 2004, 0 300 10592 4

James Hamilton-Paterson

Diary: what’s happened to the sea

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