Vol. 26 No. 11 · 3 June 2004

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Michael Wood

Living to Tell the Tale by Gabriel García Márquez, translated by Edith Grossman. Cape, 484 pp., £18.99, November 2003, 0 224 07278 1


Lewis Harvey, Jim Harper, Anthony Fenton, Timothy Williams, Virginia Tilley, Bas Sprakes, Joanna Kavenna, Eoin Dillon

David Bromwich

Orson Welles: The Stories of His Life by Peter Conrad. Faber, 384 pp., £20, September 2003, 0 571 20978 5

Patrick McGuinness

Poem: ‘[Dust]’

Perry Anderson

Stand-Off in Taiwan

Peter Campbell

On the way to Maidenhead

Yitzhak Laor

Before Rafah

Slavoj Žižek

Between Two Deaths

Alan Bennett

The History Boy

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: The life expectancy of a Roman emperor

John Sutherland

Isherwood by Peter Parker. Picador, 914 pp., £25, May 2004, 0 330 48699 3

Lucy Daniel

Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson. Fourth Estate, 232 pp., £15, May 2004, 0 00 718151 5

Mary Ann Caws

Robert Desnos, Surrealism, and the Marvellous in Everyday Life by Katharine Conley. Nebraska, 270 pp., £37.95, March 2004, 0 8032 1523 1

Simon Schaffer

Volta: Science and Culture in the Age of Enlightenment by Giuliano Pancaldi. Princeton, 381 pp., £22.95, June 2003, 0 691 09685 6

Patrick Wormald

The Battle of Hastings, 1066 by M.K. Lawson. Tempus, 288 pp., £16.99, October 2003, 0 7524 1998 6
The Normans: The History of a Dynasty by David Crouch. Hambledon, 345 pp., £25, July 2002, 1 85285 387 5
Domesday Book: A Complete Translation edited by Ann Williams and G.H. Martin. Penguin, 1436 pp., £18.99, October 2003, 0 14 143994 7

R.F. Langley

Poem: ‘Cash Point’

Richard White

The Sioux: The Dakota and Lakota Nations by Guy Gibbon. Blackwell, 311 pp., £30, December 2002, 1 55786 566 3

David Wheatley

Irish Literary Magazines: An Outline History and Descriptive Bibliography  Irish Academic, 318 pp., £35, January 2003, 0 7165 2751 0

Andrew O’Hagan

Stag & Groom Magazine edited by Perdita Patterson. Hanage, 130 pp., £4, May 2004
Zoo edited by Paul Merrill. Emap East, 98 pp., £1.20, May 2004
Nuts edited by Phil Hilton. IPC, 98 pp., £1.20, May 2004
Loaded edited by Martin Daubney. IPC, 194 pp., £3.30, June 2004
Jack edited by Michael Hodges. Dennis, 256 pp., £3, May 2004
Esquire edited by Simon Tiffin. National Magazine Company, 180 pp., £3.40, June 2004
GQ edited by Dylan Jones. Condé Nast, 200 pp., £3.20, June 2004
Men's Health edited by Morgan Rees. Rodale, 186 pp., £3.40, June 2004
Arena Homme Plus: ‘The Boys of Summer’ edited by Ashley Heath. Emap East, 300 pp., £5, April 2004
Stag & Groom Magazine edited by Perdita Patterson. Hanage, 130 pp., £4, May 2004
Zoo edited by Paul Merrill. Emap East, 98 pp., £1.20, May 2004
Nuts edited by Phil Hilton. IPC, 98 pp., £1.20, May 2004
Loaded edited by Martin Daubney. IPC, 194 pp., £3.30, June 2004
Jack edited by Michael Hodges. Dennis, 256 pp., £3, May 2004
Esquire edited by Simon Tiffin. National Magazine Company, 180 pp., £3.40, June 2004
GQ edited by Dylan Jones. Condé Nast, 200 pp., £3.20, June 2004
Men’s Health edited by Morgan Rees. Rodale, 186 pp., £3.40, June 2004
Arena Homme Plus: ‘The Boys of Summer’ edited by Ashley Heath. Emap East, 300 pp., £5, April 2004

Christopher Turner

Diary: Summerhill School and the real Orgasmatron

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