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Vol. 25 No. 11 · 5 June 2003

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Michael Wood

Personality by Andrew O’Hagan. Faber, 328 pp., £16.99, May 2003, 0 571 19501 6


Michael Prior, Rex Winsbury, David Seddon, Malcolm Baker, Ian Birchall, Alfred Jowett, John Glenn, John Powles

Liam McIlvanney

The House of Blackwood: Author-Publisher Relations in the Victorian Era by David Finkelstein. Pennsylvania State, 199 pp., £44.95, April 2002, 0 271 02179 9

John Barrell

The London Corresponding Society 1792-99 edited by Michael T. Davis. Pickering & Chatto, £495, June 2002, 1 85196 734 6
Romanticism, Publishing and Dissent: Joseph Johnson and the Cause of Liberty by Helen Braithwaite. Palgrave, 243 pp., £45, December 2002, 0 333 98394 7

Paul Laity

Telegram from Guernica: The Extraordinary Life of George Steer, War Correspondent by Nicholas Rankin. Faber, 256 pp., £14.99, April 2003, 0 571 20563 1

Patrick Collinson

The Cow Bells of Kitale

Robin Robertson

Poem: ‘The Death of Actaeon’

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: ‘Big Brother’

Richard White

Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War by T.J. Stiles. Cape, 510 pp., £20, January 2003, 9780224069250

J.L. Nelson

The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe by Patrick Geary. Princeton, £11.95, March 2003, 0 691 09054 8
Europe in the High Middle Ages by William Chester Jordan. Penguin, 383 pp., £9.99, August 2002, 0 14 016664 5

Gabriele Annan

Journey by Moonlight by Antal Szerb, translated by Len Rix. Pushkin, 240 pp., £6.99, November 2002, 1 901285 50 2

August Kleinzahler

Collected Works by Lorine Niedecker, edited by Jenny Penberthy. California, 471 pp., £29.95, May 2002, 0 520 22433 7
Collected Studies in the Use of English by Kenneth Cox. Agenda, 270 pp., £12, September 2001, 9780902400696
New Goose by Lorine Niedecker, edited by Jenny Penberthy. Listening Chamber, 98 pp., $10, January 2002, 0 9639321 6 0

Hal Foster

At Dia:Beacon: Fetishistic Minimalist

Hugh Pennington

Too much fuss?

Jon Cannon

Diary: In Liaoning

John Sutherland

Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Tyndale House, 398 pp., £15.99, April 2003, 0 8423 3234 0

Sean Maguire

Diary: With the US Marine Corps

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