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Vol. 24 No. 12 · 27 June 2002

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

David Blackbourn

Im Krebsgang: Eine Novelle by Günter Grass. Steidl, 216 pp., €18, February 2002, 3 88243 800 2


Christopher Prendergast, Nick Groom, Anne Carson, Hugh Turner, Graham Brown, John Sullivan, D. Duggan, Mike Taylor, John Bayley, Gennady Gorelik, Gillian Fisher, Constance Blackwell, John Birtwhistle, Des Cranston, Frank Phillips, W.S. Milne, Mary Ann Harrell, Philip Stine, Henry Cohen, C.N. Campbell, George Haycock, Elaine Jordan, Liz Young, Alasdair Sinclair

Patrick McGuinness

Two Poems

Barbara Everett

Distraction v. Attraction

James Wood

Critical Times: The History of the ‘Times Literary Supplement’ by Derwent May. HarperCollins, 606 pp., £25, November 2001, 0 00 711449 4

Iain Sinclair

A Hit of Rus in Urbe

Eric Foner

The Strange Death of American Liberalism by H.W. Brands. Yale, 200 pp., £16, January 2002, 0 300 09021 8

Colin Burrow

Chapman’s Homer: The ‘Iliad’ edited by Allardyce Nicoll. Princeton, 613 pp., £13.95, December 1998, 0 691 00236 3
Chapman’s Homer: The ‘Odyssey’ edited by Allardyce Nicoll. Princeton, 613 pp., £13.95, January 2001, 0 691 04891 6

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Dream On

P.N. Furbank

Iris Origo: Marchesa of Val d’Orcia by Caroline Moorehead. Murray, 351 pp., £22, October 2000, 0 7195 5672 4

Lavinia Greenlaw

Poem: ‘The Long Day Closes’

Gilberto Perez

Close-Up: Iranian Cinema, Past, Present and Future by Hamid Dabashi. Verso, 302 pp., £15, November 2001, 1 85984 332 8

Dinah Birch

The Next Big Thing by Anita Brookner. Viking, 247 pp., £16.99, June 2002, 0 670 91302 2

Peter Campbell

At the British Library: Great Nations of Europe Coming Through

William Doyle

The Cult of the Nation in France: Inventing Nationalism 1680-1800 by David A. Bell. Harvard, 304 pp., £30.95, November 2001, 0 674 00447 7

Michael Longley

Three Poems

Julian Jackson

Rethinking France: Les Lieux de mémoire. Volume I: The State by Pierre Nora, translated by Mary Trouille. Chicago, 475 pp., £25, October 2001, 0 226 59132 8

Alex Oliver

The Warden of English: The Life of H.W. Fowler by Jenny McMorris. Oxford, 242 pp., £19.99, June 2001, 0 19 866254 8

Andrew O’Hagan

Diary: Hating Football

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