Vol. 23 No. 12 · 21 June 2001

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Murray Sayle

Draft Report of the 17th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Nairobi, 4-6 April 2001 
Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability 
The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming by David Victor
Managing the Planet: The Politics of the New Millennium by Norman Moss


Robert Storr, Deborah Friedell, Pamela Oakley, Rev. Tim Russ, Chris Oakley, Adam Roberts, Neal Wade, Phil Edwards, Alexander Evans, Keith Flett, Julian Burgess, Lynn Jones, Yuliy Baryshnikov

R.F. Langley

Poem: ‘Still Life with Wineglass’

R.W. Johnson

A People Betrayed: The Role of the West in Rwanda’s Genocide by Linda Melvern

Geoffrey Best

The ‘Times’ and Appeasement: The Journals of A.L. Kennedy 1932-39 
Churchill and Appeasement by R.A.C. Parker

John Upton

Criminal Justice: The Way Ahead, CM 5704 

Paul Strohm

Dreaming of Cockaigne: Medieval Fantasies of the Perfect Life by Herman Pleij, translated by Diane Webb

A.D. Nuttall

How Milton Works by Stanley Fish

Germaine Greer

Order and Disorder by Lucy Hutchinson, edited by David Norbrook

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Britney’s Biggest Fan

Frank Kermode

Gielgud: A Theatrical Life 1904-2000 by Jonathan Croall
John G.: The Authorised Biography of John Gielgud by Sheridan Morley
John Gielgud: An Actor’s Life by Gyles Brandreth

Zachary Leader

The Golden Age: A Novel by Gore Vidal

Paul Smith

Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire by David Cannadine

Robert Irwin

Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Asia by Karl Meyer and Shareen Brysac
Tibet: The Great Game and Tsarist Russia by Tatiana Shaumian

Robert VanderMolen

Two Poems

Adam Hochschild

The Shadow of the Sun: My African Life by Ryszard Kapuściński, translated by Klara Glowczewska

Paul Henley

Anthropologie et cinéma: Passage à l’image, passage par l’image by Marc Henri Piault
Transcultural Cinema by David MacDougall

Robert Crawford

Three Poems

Colin Tudge

A Different Nature: The Paradoxical World of Zoos and Their Uncertain Future by David Hancocks

David Wheatley

The Donkey’s Ears: Politovsky’s Letters Home by Douglas Dunn
The Year’s Afternoon by Douglas Dunn

Peter Campbell

At Tate Britain: James Gillray

Tim Salmon

Diary: On the Grèklu Ridge

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