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Vol. 19 No. 24 · 11 December 1997

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Vol. 19 No. 24 · 11 December 1997

Armand Marie Leroi

Buffon by Jacques Roger. Cornell, 492 pp., £39.50, August 1997, 0 8014 2918 8
The Platypus and the Mermaid and Other Figments of the Classifying Imagination by Harriet Ritvo. Harvard, 274 pp., £19.95, November 1997, 0 674 67357 3


David Craig, Graham Nelson, V.K. Mina, Luigi Romeo, Inigo Thomas, Katharine Weber, John Coombes, Margaret McHugh, Jeremy Bernstein

Gaby Wood

The Smallest of All Persons Mentioned in the Records of Littleness

Terence Hawkes

Issues of Death: Mortality and Identity in English Renaissance Tragedy by Michael Neill. Oxford, 404 pp., £45, May 1997, 0 19 818386 0

Michael Stewart

Balkan Justice: The Story behind the First International War Crimes Trial since Nuremberg by Michael Scharf. Carolina, 340 pp., $28, October 1997, 0 89089 919 3
The Tenth Circle of Hell: A Memoir of Life in the Death Camps of Bosnia by Rezak Hukanovic. Little, Brown, 164 pp., £14.99, May 1997, 0 316 63955 9
Burn This House: The Making and Unmaking of Yugoslavia edited by Jasminka Udovicki and James Ridgeway. Duke, 326 pp., $49.95, November 1997, 0 8223 1997 7
A Safe Area: Srebrenica, Europe’s Worst Massacre since the Second World War by David Rohde. Simon and Schuster, 440 pp., £8.99, June 1997, 0 671 00499 9
Triumph of the Lack of Will: International Diplomacy and the Yugoslav War by James Gow. Hurst, 343 pp., £14.95, May 1997, 1 85065 208 2

Shannon Borg

Poem: ‘Upon Hearing a Poem Read over the Phone’

Donald MacKenzie

Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 by Ken Alder. Princeton, 494 pp., £45, April 1997, 0 691 02671 8

Eric Foner

A History of the American People by Paul Johnson. Weidenfeld, 925 pp., £25, October 1997, 0 297 81569 5

Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Polygamous Families in Contemporary Society by Irwin Altman and Joseph Ginat. Cambridge, 512 pp., £55, December 1996, 0 521 56169 8

Dale Peck

Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut. Cape, 219 pp., £15.99, October 1997, 0 224 03640 8

Tobias Jones

Hand To Mouth: A Chronicle of Early Failure by Paul Auster. Faber, 436 pp., £15.99, November 1997, 0 571 17149 4

Ian Sansom

The Bounty by Derek Walcott. Faber, 78 pp., £14.99, July 1997, 0 571 19130 4

Tom Paulin

Poem: ‘The Unholy One?’

Richard Jenkyns

Abide with Me: The World of Victorian Hymns by Ian Bradley. SCM, 299 pp., £30, June 1997, 9780334026921
The English Hymn: A Critical and Historical Study by J.R. Watson. Oxford, 552 pp., £65, July 1997, 0 19 826762 2

E.S. Turner

The House of Lords: From Saxon Wargods to a Modern Senate by John Wells. Hodder, 298 pp., £20, October 1997, 0 340 64928 3

Julian Critchley

Dear Bill: Bill Deedes Reports by W.F. Deedes. Macmillan, 396 pp., £20, October 1997, 0 333 71386 9

Nicholas Hiley

New cloak, Old dagger: How Britain’s Spies Came in from the Cold by Michael Smith. Gollancz, 338 pp., £20, November 1996, 0 575 06150 2
Intelligence Power in Peace and War by Michael Herman. Cambridge, 436 pp., £50, October 1996, 0 521 56231 7
UK Eyes Alpha by Mark Urban. Faber, 320 pp., £16.99, September 1996, 0 571 17689 5

Mark Harris

Albert Einstein by Albrecht Fölsing, translated by Ewald Osers. Viking, 882 pp., £25, August 1997, 0 670 85545 6
Einstein: A Life by Denis Brian. Wiley, 509 pp., £11.99, October 1997, 0 471 19362 3

Paul Foot

Diary: Awaiting the Truth about Hanratty

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