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Vol. 19 No. 23 · 27 November 1997

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 19 No. 23 · 27 November 1997

John Sutherland

Webonomics: Nine Essential Principles for Growing Your Business on the World Wide Web by Evan Schwartz. Penguin, 244 pp., £11.99, October 1997, 9780140264067


W.A. Lee, Walt ‘Bugsy’ O’Brien, Stephen Sedley, Andrew Adonis, Rod Jones, Denis Moss, Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Jon Cook, Val Lyubarsky, A.W. Moore

Raymond Friel

Two Poems

Terry Eagleton

The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Schelling and Related Matters by Slavoj Žižek. Verso, 248 pp., £40, January 1997, 1 85984 094 9
The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of The World by Slavoj Žižek and F.W.J. Von Schelling. Michigan, 182 pp., £35, July 1997, 0 472 09652 4
The Plague of Fantasies by Slavoj Žižek. Verso, 248 pp., £40, November 1997, 1 85984 857 5

Brian Rotman

Fermat’s Last Theorem: Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem by Amir Aczel. Viking, 147 pp., £9.99, May 1997, 0 670 87638 0

Jenny Diski

Venus Envy by Elizabeth Haiken. Johns Hopkins, 288 pp., £20.50, January 1998, 0 8018 5763 5
The Royal Women of Amarna: Images of Beauty From Ancient Egypt by Dorothea Arnold. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 192 pp., $45, February 1997, 0 8109 6504 6

Arnold Rattenbury

England and the Octopus by Clough Williams-Ellis. CPRE, 220 pp., £10.95, December 1996, 0 946044 50 3
Clough Williams-Ellis: RIBA Drawings Monograph No 2 by Richard Haslam. Academy, 112 pp., £24.95, March 1996, 1 85490 430 2
Clough Williams-Ellis: The Architect of Portmeirion by Jonah Jones. Seren, 204 pp., £9.95, December 1996, 1 85411 166 3

Sarah Rigby

The Acceptable Face of Feminism: The Women’s Institute as a Social Movement by Maggie Andrews. Lawrence and Wishart, 176 pp., £12.99, June 1997, 0 85315 833 9

Joe Kenyon

Working Underground

David Edgar

A Traitor’s Kiss: The Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan by Fintan O’Toole. Granta, 516 pp., £20, October 1997, 1 86207 026 1
Richard Brinsley Sheridan: A Life by Linda Kelly. Sinclair-Stevenson, 366 pp., £25, April 1997, 1 85619 207 5
Sheridan’s Nightingale: The Story of Elizabeth Linley by Alan Chedzoy. Allison and Busby, 322 pp., £15.99, April 1997, 0 7490 0264 6

Denis Donoghue

The Star Factory by Ciaran Carson. Granta, 304 pp., £13.99, November 1997, 1 86207 072 5

Michael Wood

The Cattle Killing by John Edgar Wideman. Picador, 212 pp., £16.99, August 1997, 0 330 32789 5
Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman. Picador, 243 pp., £6.99, August 1997, 0 330 35031 5

Murray Sayle

The Last Governor: Chris Patten and the Handover of Hong Kong by Jonathan Dimbleby. Little, Brown, 461 pp., £22.50, July 1997, 0 316 64018 2
In Pursuit of British Interests: Reflections on Foreign Policy under Margaret Thatcher and John Major by Percy Cradock. Murray, 228 pp., £18.99, September 1997, 0 7195 5464 0
Hong Kong Under Chinese Rule: The Economic and Political Implications of Reversion edited by Warren Cohen and Li Zhao. Cambridge, 255 pp., £45, August 1997, 0 521 62158 5
The Hong Kong Advantage by Michael Enright, Edith Scott and David Dodwell. Oxford, 369 pp., £20, July 1997, 0 19 590322 6

Peter Campbell

Diary: At the new British Library

Chauncey Loomis

The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Man Against Nature by Sebastian Junger. Fourth Estate, 227 pp., £14.99, August 1997, 1 85702 720 5

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