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Vol. 17 No. 10 · 25 May 1995

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Ross McKibbin

Why did they do it, and what should they do next?


John Bayley, C.G. Gross, Aidan Foster-Carter, Anna Bramwell, Gianfranco Corsini, Boris Ford, Peter Wollen, Andrew Samuels, Alan Wall, Mike Kearney, Carol Rumens, Frederick Bradnum, Garth Luetkemeier

Alan Bennett

Alan Bennett remembers Peter Cook

R.W. Johnson

Foccart Parle: Entretiens avec Philippe Gaillard  Fayard/Jeune Afrique, 501 pp., frs 150, May 1995, 2 213 59419 8

Linda Holt

The Model Occupation: The Channel Islands under German Rule 1940-1945 by Madeleine Bunting. HarperCollins, 354 pp., £20, January 1995, 0 00 255242 6
The Channel Islands: Occupation and Liberation 1940-1945 by Asa Briggs. Batsford, 96 pp., £7.99, April 1995, 0 7134 7822 5

Kwame Dawes

Two Poems

Christopher Hitchens

Look over your shoulder

Alan Ryan

The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy by Christopher Lasch. Norton, 276 pp., £16.95, March 1995, 0 393 03699 5

Tony Tanner

Emerson: The Mind on Fire by Robert Richardson. California, 668 pp., £27, June 1995, 0 520 08808 5

Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

The First Woman of the Republic: A Cultural Biography of Lydia Maria Child by Carolyn Karcher. Duke, 804 pp., £35.95, March 1995, 0 8223 1485 1
Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life by Joan Hedrick. Oxford, 507 pp., £25, March 1994, 0 19 506639 1

Andrew O’Hagan

Thin Ayrshire

E.S. Turner

The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Eleven Volumes, including Companion and Index edited by R.C. Latham and W. Matthews. HarperCollins, 267 pp., £8.99, February 1995, 0 00 499021 8

Janette Turner Hospital

A River Town by Thomas Keneally. Sceptre, 330 pp., £15.99, March 1995, 9780340610930

Clarence Brown

The Akhmatova Journals. Vol. I: 1938-1941 by Lydia Chukovskaya, translated by Milena Michalski and Sylva Rubashova. Harvill, 310 pp., £20, June 1994, 0 00 216391 8
Remembering Anna Akhmatova by Anatoly Nayman, translated by Wendy Rosslyn. Halban, 240 pp., £18, June 1991, 9781870015417
Anna Akhmatova and Her Circle edited by Konstantin Polivanov, translated by Patricia Beriozkina. Arkansas, 281 pp., $32, January 1994, 1 55728 308 7
Anna Akhmatova: Poet and Prophet by Roberta Reeder. Allison and Busby, 592 pp., £25, February 1995, 0 85031 998 6
Women’s Works in Stalin’s Time: On Lidia Chukovskaia and Nadezhda Mandelstam by Beth Holmgren. Indiana, 225 pp., £25, September 1993, 0 253 33860 3

Marina Warner

Diary: Gone Bananas

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