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Vol. 14 No. 16 · 20 August 1992

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David King

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Vol. 14 No. 16 · 20 August 1992

P.N. Furbank

A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel


W. Thompson, David Wright, Christopher Reid, Michael Horovitz, Edward Wilson, Kurt Vonnegut, Robert Allen, John McMurtry, E.J. Mishan, Mark Taylor, J.L. Sievert, David Jesson-Dibley, Colin McGinn, Angela Lambert

Paul Foot

Claire clairmont and the Shelleys by Robert Gittings and Jo Manton
Mab’s Daughters by Judith Chernaik

Norman Hampson

Diderot: A Critical Biography by P.N. Furbank
This is not a Story and Other Stories by Denis Diderot, translated by P.N. Furbank
Diderot: Political Writings edited by John Hope Mason and Robert Wokler

Stephen Sackur

Deterring Democracy by Noam Chomsky
Illusions of Triumph: An Arab View of the Gulf War by Mohamed Heikal
The Imperial Temptation by Robert Tucker and David Hendrickson

E.S. Turner

Quartered Safe Out Here: A Recollection of the War in Burma by George MacDonald Fraser
Tyrants and Mountains: A Reckless Life by Denis Hills

Mary Beard

Origins of the Sacred: The Ecstasies of Love and War by Dudley Young

Paul Delany

Oh Canada! Oh Quebec! Requiem for a Divided Country by Mordecai Richler

Nicholas Wade

Big Science: The Growth of Large-Scale Research edited by Peter Galison and Bruce Helvy
The Code of Codes edited by Daniel Kevles and Leroy Hood

John Barrow

Niels Bohr’s Times, in Physics, Philosophy and Polity by Abraham Pais

Marina Warner

Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love by Howard Bloch
Women of the Renaissance by Margaret King
The Lady as Saint: A Collection of French Hagiographical Romances of the 13th Century by Brigitte Cazelles
Heavenly Supper: The Story of Maria Janis by Fulvio Tomizza, translated by Anne Jacobson Shutte
Oppositional Voices: Women as Writers and Translators of Literature in the English Renaissance by Tina Krontiris

Simon Armitage

Poem: ‘Of Two Knights Stationed in Neighbouring Castles’

Ronald Fraser

The Interior Castle: A Life of Gerald Brenan by Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy

Ruth Bernard Yeazell

The Sexual Education of Edith Wharton by Gloria Erlich

Patrick Parrinder

Past Tenses: Essays on Writing, Autobiography and History by Carolyn Steedman

Patricia Beer

Sleepwalker in a Fog by Tatyana Tolstaya, translated by Jamey Gambrell

Christopher Hitchens

Diary: In Washington

D.A.N. Jones

Dear Departed: A Memoir by Marguerite Yourcenar, translated by Maria Louise Ascher
Anna, Soror by Marguerite Yourcenar, translated by Walter Kaiser
That Mighty Sculptor, Time by Marguerite Yourcenar, translated by Walter Kaiser
Coming into the End Zone: A Memoir by Doris Grumbach
Anything Once by Joan Wyndham
Within Tuscany by Matthew Spender

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