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Vol. 11 No. 20 · 26 October 1989

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Vol. 11 No. 20 · 26 October 1989

Alan Bennett

The Lady in the Van


Peter Biller, Paul Roazen, Christopher Small, Christopher Price, Brian Stone, Andrew Graham-Yooll, Richard Murphy

Christopher Hitchens

The Rushdie File edited by Lisa Appignanesi and Sara Maitland. Fourth Estate/ICA, 268 pp., £5.95, July 1989, 0 947795 84 7
CounterBlasts No 4: Sacred Cows by Fay Weldon. Chatto, 43 pp., £2.99, July 1989, 0 7011 3556 5
Salman Rushdie and the Third World: Myths of the Nation by Timothy Brennan. Macmillan, 203 pp., £29.50, September 1989, 0 333 49020 7

John Bayley

Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco, translated by William Weaver. Secker, 641 pp., £14.95, October 1989, 0 436 14096 9
The Open Work by Umberto Eco, translated by Anna Cancogni. Radius, 285 pp., £9.95, October 1989, 0 09 175896 3

Ian Aitken

Dick Crossman: A Portrait by Tam Dalyell. Weidenfeld, 253 pp., £14.95, September 1989, 0 297 79670 4

William Rodgers

Livingstone’s Labour: A Programme for the Nineties by Ken Livingstone. Unwin Hyman, 310 pp., £12.95, September 1989, 0 04 440346 1

Mary-Kay Wilmers

Margaret, Daughter of Beatrice: A Politician’s Psycho-Biography of Margaret Thatcher by Leo Abse. Cape, 288 pp., £13.95, September 1989, 0 224 02726 3

Mary Beard

After Thatcher by Paul Hirst. Collins, 254 pp., £7.99, September 1989, 0 00 215169 3
Out of Apathy: Voices of the New Left Thirty Years On  Verso, 172 pp., £22.95, August 1989, 0 86091 232 9
Essays on Politics and Literature by Bernard Crick. Edinburgh, 259 pp., £25, August 1989, 0 85224 621 8

Seamus Heaney

Six Poems

Frank Kermode

Against Deconstruction by John Ellis. Princeton, 168 pp., £13.70, February 1989, 0 691 06754 6
The New Historicism by H. Aram Veeser. Routledge, 318 pp., £30, July 1989, 0 415 90070 0
Rethinking Historicism: Critical Essays in Romantic History by Marjorie Levinson, Marilyn Butler, Jerome McGann and Paul Hamilton. Blackwell, 149 pp., £22.50, August 1989, 0 631 16591 6
Towards a Literature of Knowledge by Jerome McGann. Oxford, 138 pp., £16.50, May 1989, 9780198117407
The Stoic in Love: Selected Essays on Literature and Ideas by A.D. Nuttall. Harvester, 209 pp., £25, July 1989, 0 7450 0614 0

Stephen Spender

What I believe

Angela Carter

Story: ‘The Merchant of Shadows’

Anthony Thwaite

Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath by Anne Stevenson. Viking, 413 pp., £15.95, October 1989, 0 670 81854 2

John Lanchester

The Letters of John Cheever edited by Benjamin Cheever. Cape, 397 pp., £14.95, September 1989, 0 224 02689 5
Mary McCarthy by Carol Gelderman. Sidgwick, 430 pp., £12.95, March 1989, 0 283 99797 4
The company she keeps by Mary McCarthy. Weidenfeld, 246 pp., £4.50, October 1989, 0 297 79649 6

Susannah Clapp

Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography by Claire Harman. Chatto, 358 pp., £16.95, July 1989, 0 7011 2938 7
For Sylvia: An Honest Account by Valentine Ackland. Chatto, 135 pp., £6.95, July 1989, 9780701135621

David Craig

Touching the void by Joe Simpson. Cape, 172 pp., £10.95, July 1988, 0 224 02545 7
Climbers by M. John Harrison. Gollancz, 221 pp., £12.95, September 1989, 9780575036321

Michael Hofmann

Poem: ‘Lament for Crassus’

Theodore Zeldin

Pan Encyclopedia edited by Judith Hannam. Pan, 608 pp., £8.99, August 1989, 9780330309202
Longman Encyclopedia edited by Asa Briggs. Longman, 1179 pp., £24.95, September 1989, 0 582 91620 8
International Encyclopedia of Communications: Vols I-IV edited by Erik Barnouw. Oxford, 1913 pp., £250, April 1989, 0 19 504994 2
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives edited by Francis Robinson. Cambridge, 520 pp., £30, September 1989, 0 521 33451 9
Concise Encyclopedia of Islam by Cyril Glass. Stacey International, 472 pp., £35, February 1989, 0 905743 52 0
The World’s Religions by Ninian Smart. Cambridge, 576 pp., £25, March 1989, 0 521 34005 5
The New Physics edited by Paul Davies. Cambridge, 516 pp., £30, March 1989, 0 521 30420 2
The Middle Ages: A Concise Encyclopedia by H.R. Loyn. Thames and Hudson, 352 pp., £24, May 1989, 0 500 25103 7
China in World History by S.A.M. Adshead. Macmillan, 432 pp., £35, June 1988, 0 333 43405 6

Ian Jack

From Moorepark to Wine Alley: The Rise and Fall of a Glasgow Housing Scheme by Sean Damer. Edinburgh, 209 pp., £25, August 1989, 0 85224 622 6

Karl Miller

Diary: Ten Years of the LRB

Gunnar Pettersson

Under Fire: My Own Story by Simon Hayward. W.H. Allen, 473 pp., £6.99, September 1989, 0 352 32588 7

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